Bible Books
Bible Examples

Author of the Bible

Who is Jehovah


This first Bible book, with a meaning origin, told about the creation of Earth, the first humans and their disobedience, and the stories of Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. Sets the theme of the whole Bible.

What is Genesis


Hebrew Name: Yahweh (YHWH). Meaning: Causes to Become. Titles: The Almighty, Lord, Sovereign, God.

Who is Jehovah


Young warrior who defeated Goliath with a sling & stone and was to be a king of Israel after Saul's death. Had a great sin, watching Bath-Sheba bathe herself, brought her to his home to have relations, and got her pregnant. He then had her husband put in the front lines of the army and was killed.

Who is (King) David


“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life'" 

What is John 3:16


The Four Gospels of the Bible

What are Matthew. Mark. Luke, and John


This Bible Book is closely tied with Genesis, speaking of paradise regained. Written by the Apostle John, it tells of 16 visions of what will occur on Jehovah's coming day of the destruction of the system of things (Armageddon) 

What is Revelation


Original Name was Abram and his Wife's was Sarai, He was considered Jehovah's friend because of his close loyalty, love, and obedience to him.

Who are Abraham and Sarah


Nazarene seduced by Delilah to reveal his power source, his hair, which was then cut. He was then arrested, taunted, abused by the people, and forced to labor all while people were praising the false god, Dagon. After his repent, he used his last source of strength provided by Jehovah & destroyed a building with all the people near, including himself.

Who is Samson


"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones."

What is James 4:8


The amount of Bible books in the Bible

What is 66


This Bible book is a book of sacred songs that were arranged to be sung for public worship and praise to Jehovah.

What is Psalms


Jehovah gave Jacob this name and it signified his patriarchy over the coming nation. This was a confirmation of the Abrahamic Covenant that stated Jehovah will be with him until his seed become like the "dust particles of the Earth" and be blessed.

What is Israel


Loyal friend who continued to go to her late husband's mother's homeland of Israel when the mother-in-law wanted to go back, even though the mother-in-law told her to go back to Moab to be with her family and friends

Who is Ruth


"Do not be misled. __________________" (1 Corinthians 15:33)

What is "Bad association spoil useful habits"


The Amount of Bible Writers

What is 40


These Bible books were letters written by Paul to specific congregations. These letters were written during Paul's imprisonment.

What are Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews


The Name (or title) Used in the Bible for Jesus before his arrival on Earth as Jesus Christ and after his return

Who is Michael or Who is "the archangel"


He proved the false God Baal fake by having the Baal worshipers pray and make him light an alter and he would do the same. Whoever lit the altar was the true god. Jehovah, of course, proved the worshipers wrong and he lit the alter with a huge flame in front of all viewers. Also, ran in fear of Queen Jezebel because of her ruthlessness and threats towards him.

Who is Elijah


This Years Text

What is Matthew 28:19 or What is "Go, therefore, and make disciples...baptizing them"


Amount of Times Jehovah name is mentioned in the Bible

What is 7,213


This Bible book was written by a prophet during the years of King Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He prophesied the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the destruction of Jerusalem, the fall of Babylon, and the appearance of the Messiah.

What is Isaiah


Jesus 12 Apostles

Who are Matthew, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Thaddaeus (Judas), Judas Iscariot, Simon, and James


Very Great and powerful Greek King who was prophesied to take over empires that would arise from four kings, and he would then divide them to his generals

Who is Alexander the Great


"and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole ___ and with your whole ___ and with your whole ___ and with your whole ___'' (Mark 12:30)

What are Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength