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I was the first materialistic woman captured in the Bible.....Who am I?

The Wife of Lot


Which river did Jesus get baptized in?

Jordan River


Which scripture helps its reader know what Jehovah's name is?

Psalm 83:18 - May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.


Who was the first baby in the Bible?



The World Headquarters for Jehovahs Witnesses is located where?

Warwick, NY


I was a prophet that heard a donkey speak to me while riding it on my way to Ca'naan


Numbers 21:21-35; 22:1-40; 23:1-30; 24:1-25


Peter, Andrew, John and James were fishermen and were known to fish out of which body of water?

A) The Black Sea

B) Sea of Galilee

C) Jordan River

B) Sea of Galilee


The very first prophecy in the Bible can be found where?

A) Exodus 2:1

B) Genesis 5:13

C) Genesis 3:15

C) Genesis 3:15 - "And I will put enmityan between you and the womanp and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.”


We got the new revised bible in 2012. True or false?

False. We got it in 2013


How many lands do Jehovah’s Witnesses worship in?

A) 263

B) 312

C) 240

C) 240


Name just one of 3 sons that Noah had

Shem, Ham, and Japheth 


Moses and the Iraelites entered a covenant with Jehovah while stationed on which Mountain?

A) Mount Sinai

B) Mount Horeb

C) Mount Carmel

A) Mount Sinai

B) Mount Horeb


In this scripture Jesus explains the steps to take to receive everlasting life.

John 17:3


Which was worth more in Bible times? A drachma or a Mina?

Mina. A Mina is worth 100 drachmas.


The Watchtower Educational facility is located where?

Patterson, NY


I was married to a pretty woman outside but ugly inside for how she treated God's people; I was no better than her since i allowed pagan worship to spread. She's known by Queen Jezebel........Who am I?

A) King Jehu

B) King Ahab

C) King Jehoram

B) King Ahab


The account of Ruth & Naomi clearly states that Naomi was an Israelite. However, Ruth was from which distant land?

A) Judea

B) Jezreel

C) Moab

C) Moab


In Acts 15:20, James relayed the following from the Governing Body: "....but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality,w from what is strangled, and from ______"



The term Gog of Magog in the book of Ezekiel means what?

Coalition of nations gathered together to attack Jehovah's people


How many Governing Body Committees are there?

A total of 6

Coordinators’ Committee / Personnel Committee / Publishing Committee / Service Committee / Teaching Committee / Writing Committee


Gersham & Eliezer are the proud parents of whom?

Hint: We did not get to raise him



People from this pagan land were more energetic and aggressive than the Babylonians. They are represented in carved reliefs as of strong physique, dark-complexioned, with heavy eyebrows and beard, and prominent nose. They were known to have arm brandings or tattoos.



We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one

1 John 5:19


Because Solomon asked Jehovah for wisdom instead of materialistic things, what else did Jehovah give him?  

God gave him wisdom along with riches and honor.

2 Chronicles 1:11,12


How many congregations are established world wide?

A) 119,954

B) 172,118

C) 219,002

A) 119,954