Bible Characters
Books of the Bible
Teaching Toolbox
Kingdom Songs

Writer of 6 bible books this man was a “Man of the true God,” leader of the nation of Israel, mediator of the Law covenant, prophet, judge, commander, historian, and writer.

Who is Moses?


“ For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life”

What is John 3:16? 


This book of the Bible is the First of many books written by Paul in Corinth in 56 C.E 

What is Romans ?


This TRACT tells us about Jehovahs future promises and it’s key cited scripture is Revelation 21:3,4 and a future hope found at at Psalms 37:9-11. 

What is Will Suffering Ever End Tract? 


The FIRST song in Sing Out Joyfully key scripture is Revelation 4:11 and mentions some of Jehovahs main qualities

What is Jehovahs Attributes?

(Song 1)


A giant Philistine who was struck down by David 

Who is Goliath?


“ The righteous will possess the Earth and they will live forever on it “

What is Psalms 37:29?


This book of the Bible written by Samuel in Israel in 1100 B.C.E we meet bible characters such as Gideon and Samson 

What is Judges?


I’ve invited my Bible student to the meeting however they are unsure if they will attend because of not knowing how the meetings work. I should play what 2 minute video from the teaching toolbox to increase interest 

What is What happens at a Kingdom Hall? 


This song based on Matthew 26:26-30 is about Jesus and his ransom sacrifice and the command to keep the memorial provision to remember his sacrifice 

What is The Lord’s Evening Meal?

(Song 19)


Son of Solomon by his Ammonite wife Naamah. He succeeded his father to the throne in 997 B.C.E. His life summed summed up was “He did what was bad, for he had not firmly established his heart to search for Jehovah.”

Who is Rehoboam? 


“Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far more than that of corals”

What is Proverbs 31:10?


This book of the Bible written by Jeremiah near Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E we see Jerusalem personified as a widow and also Jehovahs anger against Jerusalem 

What is Lamentations?


In the Good News From God brochure the very first chapter is titled what? 

What is What is the Good News? 


This song based on Psalms 95:2 is about prayer and how we should pray to Jehovah with thanksgiving and a grateful attitude 

What is A Prayer of Thanks?

(Song 43)


The third of six sons born to David at Hebron, was known for his outstanding physical beauty and luxurious growth of hair which from use of oils and ornaments weighed around 200 shekels (5 lb).

Who is Absalom? 


“But you who suffer tribulation will be given relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels”

What is 2 Thessalonians 1:7? 


This book of the Bible written by Ezra in Jerusalem(?) in 460 B.C.E we see David appointed and established as king by Israel

What is 1 Chronicles?


In the What Does The Bible Teach Us book there are how many chapters to study to complete the book? 

What is 19 Chapters? 


This song about our ministry based on Isaiah 30:20,21 talks about THE WAY of life that we should walk in order to please Jehovah and remain faithful and obedient 

What is This Is The Way?

( Song 54 ) 


This bible character also writer of bible book of his name Hebrew prophet of Judah can be inferred was a Levitical temple musician.

Who is Habakkuk?


“Happy are those who are blameless in their way,Who walk in the law of Jehovah”

What is Psalms 119:1?


This book of the Bible written by the Apostle John in Patmos in 96 C.E where we see the mention of the anointed 144,000 and also the future hope of everlasting life without suffering, pain or death 

What is Revelation? 


In the What does the Bible Teach Us Book the 19th and final chapter is titled what?

What is Stay Close To Jehovah? 


The song about our future hope based on John 3:16 talks about Jesus’ sacrifice for us to enjoy everlasting life

What is Life Without End- At Last?

(Song 140)