Bible Characters
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The Highest Education
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Field Service
You gain the skill as a _________ and enjoy the ministry more.
What is an evangelizer?
(He will make you strong) #60 "Within your heart, he saw The yearning you then had To search for him and practice what is right. You promised him in prayer to do his will; He helped you then, __ __ __ __ __ __."
And he will help you still.
Before Christian life and ministry meeting it was called this:
What is Theocratic Ministry School?
Fruitage of the spirit.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control
This is the four locations for cart witnessing
What is 60th Silver Spring, 76th Milroad, 76th Plaza, and 64th Silver Spring?
He wrote 14 books of the Bible
Who is Paul?
(Forward You Witnesses) #17 "Go tell far and wide that the paradise is near And that soon __ __ __ __ __ __."
All it's blessings will be here.
Makes the rounds of 20 or so congregations, spending a week with each one twice a year.
What is a Circuit Overseer?
These are the world powers foretold by Daniel that make up the immense Statue (Five of Them)
What is Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Anglo-America?
The offer of the month of November; either publication or video.
What is, Why study the Bible video, or the Bible teach book?
Ruler of Egypt who eventually released Joseph from prison after he interprets his dreams and gives him advice on an upcoming famine.
Who is Pharoah?
(Now We Are One) #87 "This is at last bone of my bone, Flesh of my flesh; now I'm not alone. __ __ __ __ __, Someone to call my own."
God has provided a partner,
A School for single brothers, sisters, and married couples.
What is Bible School For Kingdom Evangelizers?
All of the Elders in the McGovernpark Congregation.
Who is Brother Lee, Blankenship, Dyson, Clayborn, Williams, Price, Glauser, Sims, and Edinger?
These are the Three things you bring to the door
What is a Smile, Bible, a question?
King of Persia who allowed the Jews to return to Canaan after 70 years ion Babylon
Who is Cyrus?
(Jehovah's Warm Appeal: "Be wise my son") #89 "No matter who fails you or proves to be untrue, take comfort in knowing __ __ __ __."
I'll always cherish you.
Uses good judgment in order to select words in the target language that best represent the ideas of the original-language text.
What is a Bible Translator?
These are the six congregations at 29th and Carmen
What is McGovern Park, Smith Park, Garden Homes, Esterbrook, Bayshore, Kern Park
These are the names of the three parts of the Thursday Meeting
What is Treasures from God's word, Apply yourself to the field ministry, and living as Christains?
He is famous for rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and for ordering the slaughter of children in an attempt to destroy Jesus.
Who is King Herod?
(Jehovah Provides Escape) #148 " Jehovah provides escape for the loyal. His servants will see what a mighty Crag is he. So with courage and faith in our God, we ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Our source of escape and praise his name.
What is, Spread the fame of Jehovah,
"A __ visiting from Africa once told us that in her assignment everyone invited her in and listened attentively to the good news of God’s Kingdom. ‘How I would love to work in territory like that!’ I thought. That conversation sowed in me, then 13 years old, the desire to be a __."
What is a Missionary?
Names of the governing body members.
Who is Brothers Splane, Morris, Sanderson, Jackson, Lett, Herd, and Lösch?
These are the 5 out of 10 videos we use in field service?
What is 1. Why Study the Bible 2. What happens at a bible study? 3. What happens at a Kingdom Hall? 4. Does God have a name? 5. Who is the author of the Bible? 6. How can we be sure the bible is true? 7. Why did Jesus die? 8. Remember Jesus death? 9. Research tools for Discovering spiritual Treasures? 10. A tool to help us explain our beliefs about 1914?