He grew up in
Where is Nazareth?
He performed his first miracle, turning water into wine, at
In the region of ... he expelled a demon from the daughter of a Grecian woman
Where is Tyre?
Who is Joseph?
Why was Miriam struck with leprosy?
He was baptized in
Where is the Jordan River?
Because of Herod's wrath, he was taken to
Where is Egypt?
He preached and performed so many miracles in ... that it came to be called "his own city".
Where is Capernaum?
Who is Abraham?
Why did God-fearing Samson go to a prostitute’s house?
The prostitute’s home was the only place he could find accommodations for the night.
He raised Lazarus from the dean in
Where is Bethany?
He walked on the water of
Where is the Sea of Galilee?
In ... he pronounced woe upon the scribes and Pharisees seven times for their hypocritical religious practices.
Where is Jerusalem?
Who is Jonathan?
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Who is Moses?
Jesus Christ was born in
Where is Bethlehem?
At ... he raised from the dead the only son of a widow
Where is Nain?
At .... he spoke his great prophecy on the last days and the end of the world.
Where is the Mount of the Olives?
Where did the Israelites go to escape the Egyptians?
Where is the Red Sea?
He died at the torture stake at
Where is Golgotha or Skull Place?
In ... he brought the message of salvation to the tax collector Zacchaeus
Where is Jericho?
Where did Jesus pray before his arrest?
Where is the Garden of Gethsemane?
Who is Gabriel?
What was the first city the Israelites conquered in the promised land?
Where is Jericho?