The number of fruits of the Spirit
(Galatians 5:22-23)
The last book in the Old Testament
In Genesis 19 these 2 cities near the Dead Sea have sulfur and fire rained down on them
Sodom and Gomorrah
The book of Daniel mentions the false accusers of Daniel in Babylon being devoured by these beasts
(Daniel 6:24)
A Star
This is how many Commandments were written on the stone tablets that Moses brought down from the mountain in the wilderness
(Exodus 34:28)
This book holds the account of Moses smashing the Ten Commandments
(Deuteronomy 9:17)
In Psalm 78 the plague of flies is mentioned along with the plague of these which you'd think would eat up all the flies
In Genesis he is sold to Pharaoh's officer Potiphar & she tries to seduce him
(Genesis 39:7-9)
The Sea of Galilee
Jonah was in the belly of the fish for this many days and this many nights
3 days and 3 nights
(Jonah 1:17)
The Bible located right before Revelations
Zebub the word for a fly used in the Bible gave us this word for a demon
The passage that says 'God so loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son', is in this book
(John 3:16)
Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph via this transport
A Donkey
Jesus was circumcised this many days after his birth
(Luke 2:21)
The 4th book of the Bible
There's no nudity in the Bible but this 3-syllable synonym appears 32 times just in Leviticus
Nakedness (Naked)
In Numbers 16 Korah, Dathan and Abiram, their wives, their sons and their little children are swallowed up by the earth for rebelling against this leader
(Numbers 16:30)
Jesus ascended into heaven from atop this peak 40 days after his resurrection
The Mount of Olives
This is how many years that just one day is like to Jehovah
(Psalms 90:4)
The shortest book in the Bible
2nd John
In Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus tells his disciples to teach all nations baptizing them in the name of these 3
This divine messenger told Mary that she would give birth to a son
Angel Gabriel
Jesus travelled to Bethany & brought this old friend back to life