On who can we rely on for help
Convey ideas clearly and stir emotion by varying your volume, pitch, and pace.
How do you arouse interest
Select a question, statement, real-life experience, or news item that will be of interest to your listeners.
How many hours do they have to wait in the queue to get water?
4 to 5 hours daily
What Bible verse assures us of Jehovah promises to “give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
How does Jehovah help us to cope with our problems in most cases
His holy spirit, his Word, and our Christian brotherhood
To avoid startling your listeners Do not___________ or ________
change pace abruptly or speak so rapidly that your diction suffers.
Answer to a tactful questions can help us to adapt what?
our teaching
When the Nagalingam Ganeshalingam family were going through a big loss, what help them cope.
Prays to Jehovah and comfort from the Bible
Bible verse :“death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”
(Read Revelation 21:4.)
What bible verse say "With someone loyal you act in loyalty; With the blameless, mighty man, you deal blamelessly.
2 Samuel 22:26
What is the Bible reading for the week of July18-24
To reason with your listeners, and to emphasize important points do what?
Ask tactful questions
How many days was the convention and how many days were approved for our brothers to be off camp?
3 days convention
Science agrees with the Bible- Give a bible verse
Read Job 26:7
Give an example of how we know that Jehovah is stronger than any enemy?
How he delivered Israel through the Red Sea and then sustained the nation in the wilderness for 40 years.
What is the title of our opening song
“Jehovah Is My Shepherd
Observe householder activities or surroundings to determine what?
Their interest.
How many years has Sis Ganeshalingam been serving as a regular pioneer?.
17 years.
Our prayers should come from the__________
Like David we can be sure Jehovah will hear our cries for help, what Bible verse support this.
2 Samuel 22:7
Bible verse: My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield+ and my horn of salvation, my secure refuge. And my place to flee, my savior; you who save me from violence.
2 Samuel 22:3
Help your listeners to understand how your subject affects their lives.
Practical value make clear
Brother Nagalingam Ganeshalingam and his son now serve as
ministerial servant
Closing song for the week
It Means Their Life