Nobel Prizes

From migrant farm worker to flying in space, this Hispanic astronaut is the inspiration for the movie: "A Million Miles Away.

Who is Jose Hernandez?


Venezuelan-American immunologist, who shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the "discovery of the major histocompatibility complex genes which encode cell surface protein molecules important for the immune system's distinction between self and non-self."

Who is Baruj Benacerraf?


A dedicated public health advocate, she made history as the first female and first Hispanic U.S. Surgeon General in 1990.

Who is Dr. Antonia Novello?


A first-generation Cuban-American and Chicago Public Schools alumna, she discovered the spin memory effect and has pioneered Celestial Holography. She completed her undergraduate studies in three years while still a teenager at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), earned her PhD from Harvard University and was a PCTS Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University before joining the faculty of the Perimeter Institute at age 27. 

Who is Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski?


She was the first female astronaut of Hispanic heritage in the USA.

Who is Ellen Ochoa?


Name the Mexican chemist who won the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research on how man-made compounds affect the ozone layer.

Who is Mario Molina?


She was a public health expert and women’s rights activist. She served as the first Latina director of the American Public Health Association.

Who is Dr. Helen Rodríguez Trías?


Mexican-American physicist who made important contributions to the early development of X-ray microscopes, X-ray optics, and later X-ray telescopes.

Who is Albert Vinicio Báez?


He was the first male astronaut of Hispanic heritage in the USA.

Who is Franklin Chan Diaz


An Argentine physiologist who won the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the role of the anterior pituitary lobe hormone in sugar metabolism.

Who is Bernardo Houssay?


He was a Cuban epidemiologist recognized as a pioneer in the research of yellow fever, determining that it was transmitted through mosquitoes.

Who is Carlos Juan Finlay?


He was a Venezuelan physician and scientist, known for developing a vaccine to prevent leprosy.

Who is Jacinto Convit García?


Who is the astronaut of Hispanic heritage currently with the most trips to space.

Who is Michael Lopez-Alegria?


An Argentine biochemist who won the 1970 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of metabolic pathways in sugars.

Who is Luis F. Leloir?


He was a physician, sociologist, political leader and the first Puerto Rican of African descent to earn a medical degree in the United States.[

Who is José Celso Barbosa?


He was a Mexican electrical engineer who was the inventor of a color-wheel type of color television.

Who is Guillermo González Camarena?


This astronaut of Hispanic heritage has logged a total of 306 days in space on three missions.  In 2009, he flew aboard STS-119 on the Space Shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station to deliver the final pair of power-generating solar array wings and a truss element. 

Who is Joseph Acaba?


An Argentine biochemist who won a share of the 1984 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on antibody chemistry.

Who is César Milstein?


She was a Panamanian nurse, professor, academic, tennis instructor, and organizational administrator who founded the National Association of Hispanic Nurses in 1975.

Who is Ildaura Murillo-Rohde?


She supported the Webb telescope during its December 25, 2021 launch, and worked on its console throughout its commissioning. She also worked on its Optical Telescope Element.

Who is Scarlin Hernandez?