WHO IS? He is a singer whose music is more listened to now and he is from Puerto Rico.
Yan Block
WHO IS? He was a very important conqueror and we studied him last year.
Alejandro Magno
WHO IS? He was a very important painter recognised by the "Mona Lisa".
Leonardo da Vinci
WHAT IS YOUR MOST LISTENED SONG? *Track* Its title is numbers
Why was he important?
He was a Macedonian king who conquered much of the world.e was a Macedonian king who conquered much of the world.
By name, where is Leonardo from?
Florence, Italy
What is the name of the song he released a few months ago with NGT and Saiko?
What was the year of his death?
356 a.C. (it is not known why)
Where is the painting ‘The Mona Lisa’ located?
Louvre Museum, Paris.