Where did most of the Fang colonize?
What is Equatorial Guinea? (Gabon/Cameroon allowed)
Most Respected
Who is the Elders?
How is Social Status chosen?
What is wealth?
When did they migrate?
When was 18th-19th century?
What was the climate like?
What is the Aba?
What did they celebrate?
What is Christian Easter?
What % was their population?
What is 85%
What were they best known for?
What is cocoa beans and coffee?
What did they rub on their way into the Aba?
What is a skull?
What was the important ceremony
What is Bwiti
Who changed their economy?
Who are the Europeans?
What was something unique that they would catch?
What is Elephant?
What did young men learn in the Aba?
What is Proper speaking and behavior?
What did they do during bwiti?
What is dancing and singing
How many Fangs are there today?
How many is 3.3 million?
What was the name of the group that lived south of the Mbini River?
Who are the Okak
What group has clan chiefs?
Who is the Beti Group?
What was traditionally the man's job?
What is look after village
What did they trade?
What is Ivory?