Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-10
Chapters 11-14
Chapters 15-18
Grammar & Misc.
Boggis was a chicken farmer. He kept thousands of chickens. He was ______. a) enormously fat b) pot-bellied dwarf c) thin as a pencil
a) enormously fat
What is the main conflict in the story? a) Mr. Fox loses his tail. b) The farmers are not as smart as Mr. Fox. c) Mr. Fox and his family are in danger of being killed by the farmers.
c) Mr. Fox and his family are in danger of being killed by the farmers.
What did Small Fox bring to Mummy? a) three plump hens b) a goose and a duck c) apples and cabbages
a) three plump hens
What was in Bean's cellar? a) apples b) cider c) turkeys d) clothes
b) cider
What is the setting of the story? a) in the tunnels of a big city b) underground at the local zoo c) at the beach d) in a rural area and underground
d) in a rural area and underground
Every evening Mr. Fox asked Mrs. Fox ----------. a) "Well, my darling, what shall it be tonight?" b) "Hello, love, are the children doing well tonight?" c) "Sweetie pie, do you wish to go for a stroll tonight?"
a) "Well, my darling, what shall it be tonight?"
The farmers made an agreement to ------. a) hire a detective to find Mr. Fox b) stay until they had Mr. Fox c) give up and go home
b) stay until they had Mr. Fox
Who did Mr. Fox and his three sons find as they were digging? a) Weasel b) Mole c) Rabbit d) Badger
d) Badger
Bean's cider was _____________ . a) fiery liquor b) weak and fizzy c) sweet and sour d) cool and flavorful
a) fiery liquor
“Your father is a fantastic fox.” What part of speech is fantastic? a) verb b) noun c) adjective
c) adjective
After the farmers shoot Mr. Fox and just got his tail they decided to __________. a) dig him out b) stink him out c) smoke him out d) wash him out
a) dig him out
When the farmers thought Mr. Fox might tunnel through the other side of the hill they _______________. a) surrounded the area with 108 men b) set up traps all around the hill c) brought in hunters and hounds
a) surrounded the area with 108 men
Which sentence is an exclamatory sentence? a) Mr. Fox and the three remaining Small Foxes dug fast and straight. b) “We’re not going to starve!” c) “Who goes there?” d) “Tell them they are invited to Fox’s Feast.”
b) “We’re not going to starve!”
Why is Rat capitalized in the story? a) It is a common noun. b) It is a proper noun since it is his name. c) It is a describing word.
b) It is a proper noun since it is his name.
If you didn’t know how to spell the plural of fox you might search in a) a dictionary b) an encyclopedia c) an atlas d) a thesaurus
a) a dictionary
In the circle of light lay the poor tattered blood-stained remains of a __________tail. Choose the correct spelling. a) foxes b) fox's c) foxs
b) fox's
Which sentence is an interrogative sentence? a) “I’ve had enough of digging.” b) “Will there be dogs?” c) Mrs. Fox began to cry. d) “I’m positive!”
b) “Will there be dogs?”
How did Mr. Fox explain his stealing to Badger? a) Mr. Fox told Badger that he only wanted to trick the farmers. b) Mr. Fox said it was payback for the farmers shooting his tail off. c) Mr. Fox said he was only taking a little to feed his starving children.
c) Mr. Fox said he was only taking a little to feed his starving children.
What is the correct spelling of the plural of turkey?
d) turkeys
“I haven’t the foggiest idea where I am.” What is the root word of foggiest? a) fog b) foggie c) foggier
a) fog
What idea did Mr. Fox have when the farmers' shovels got close to his family? a) to dig his family to safety b) to ask the beavers for help c) to sneak out the back hole d) to run to the mine shaft
a) to dig his family to safety
You could find another word or synonym for rage in … a) a dictionary b) an encyclopedia c) an atlas d) a thesaurus
d) a thesaurus
What is the correct sequence of events? a) They run into a brick wall; Mr. Badger offers help in digging; They take food from Bounce. b) They take food from Bounce; Mr. Badger offers help in digging; They run into a brick wall. c) Mr. Badger offers help in digging; They take food from Bounce; They run into a brick wall.
c) Mr. Badger offers help in digging; They take food from Bounce; They run into a brick wall.
You must remember that no one had eaten a thing for several days. They were ravenous. What does the word ravenous mean? a) very tired b) very weak c) very hungry d) very stressed
c) very hungry
“It’s the wall of an underground room. And if I am not mistaken, it is exactly what I’m looking for. ” Who said these words? a) Badger b) Mr. Fox c) The Smallest Fox d) Mrs. Fox
b) Mr. Fox