Chapters 1 - 4
Chapters 5 - 10
Chapters 11 - 14
Chapters 15 - 18
Bean was a turkey-and-apple farmer. He kept thousands of turkeys in an orchard full of apple trees. He was ____ a) enormously fat b) pot-bellied dwarf c) thin as a pencil
c) thin as a pencil
What was the author’s purpose in writing this novel? a) to inform the reader about the habitats of foxes b) to show ‘how to’ capture prey c) to persuade people not to hunt d) to entertain
d) to entertain
Which sentence is an exclamatory sentence? a) Mr. Fox and the three remaining Small Foxes dug fast and straight. b) “We’re not going to starve!” c) “Who goes there?” d) “Tell them they are invited to Fox’s Feast.”
b) “We’re not going to starve!”
Why is Rat capitalized in the story? a) It is a common noun. b) It is a proper noun since it is his name. c) It is a describing word.
b) It is a proper noun since it is his name.
What did Bunce smell like? a) chicken and dumplings b) doughnuts and goose liver c) apple cider
b) doughnuts and goose liver
Why do you think Mr. Fox was always especially careful when coming out of his hole? a) He knew danger could be out there. b) He didn’t want to forget to say goodbye to his children. c) He knew coyotes were outside his fox hole.
a) He knew danger could be out there.
Once the farmers realized they could not find the bottom of the foxes’ hole they decided to ______. a) dig them out with caterpillar tractors b) blast them out with dynamite c) flood them out with water from a tanker
a) dig them out with caterpillar tractors
Badger and Mr. Fox dug themselves next to _______. a) a brick wall b) a stone ledge c) a well
a) a brick wall
Mr. Fox learned that his tail was ________. a) still in good shape b) ruined c) pretty
a) still in good shape
What is the setting of the story? a) in the tunnels of a big city b) underground at the local zoo c) at the beach d) in a rural area and underground
d) in a rural area and underground
When the farmers shot at Mr. Fox they got him _______. a) in the tail b) on his right ear c) on his left paw d) on his left shoulder
a) in the tail
How long did the farmers dig with the tractors? a) 1 day b) 1 hour c) 5 days d) 6 hours
a) 1 day
Cause and effect: What was not an effect of Mr. Fox raiding the farmers’ farms? a) Mr. Fox lost his tail. b) Mrs. Fox died of starvation. c) All of the diggers were forced to hide from the farmers.
b) Mrs. Fox died of starvation.
Mabel was going to put out __________ after smelling the animals. a) traps b) poison c) cheese
b) poison
What was not an effect of Mr. Fox stealing from the farmers? a) Mr. Fox lost his tail. b) His family had to dig fast to get away. c) The farmers became rich. d) The farmers brought mechanical shovels to dig them out.
c) The farmers became rich.
After the farmers shoot Mr. Fox and just got his tail they decided to __________. a) dig him out b) stink him out c) smoke him out d) wash him out
a) dig him out
When the farmers thought Mr. Fox might tunnel through the other side of the hill they _______________. a) surrounded the area with 108 men b) set up traps all around the hill c) brought in hunters and hounds
a) surrounded the area with 108 men
“You are ___________ respectable.” Choose the correct word. a) to b) too c) two
b) too
The farmers ________. a) gave up after one week b) are still waiting for Mr. Fox c) hired men to guard the hole so they could get back to work
b) are still waiting for Mr. Fox
What did Boggis use to try and lure Mr. Fox out of the hole? a) a steaming chicken b) a plate of dumplings c) a pack of bacon d) a cup of cider
a) a steaming chicken
Choose the correct sequence or order of events. a) Fox’s tail is shot off.; Mr. Fox creeps out of his hole to sniff the air.; The foxes hear shovels digging b) The foxes hear shovels digging.; Mr. Fox’s tail is shot off.; Mr. Fox creeps out of his hole to sniff the air. c) Mr. Fox creeps out of his hole to sniff the air.; Mr. Fox’s tail is shot off.; The foxes hear shovels digging.
c) Mr. Fox creeps out of his hole to sniff the air.; Mr. Fox’s tail is shot off.; The foxes hear shovels digging.
Choose the statement that is an opinion. a) They did not come to the end of the foxes’ tunnel. b) All three of them kept their guns beside them. c) “He must be killed!” cried Bean. d) The farmers didn’t stop for lunch
c) “He must be killed!” cried Bean.
“It’s the wall of an underground ROOM. And if I am not mistaken, it is exactly what I’m looking for. ” Who said these words? a) Badger b) Badger c) Mr. Fox d) The Smallest Fox e) Mrs. Fox
c) Mr. Fox
What would be another good title for the last chapter, “Still Waiting”? a) The Three Losers b) Real Hope for the Farmers c) The Ruined Tail
a) The Three Losers
Whose voice was the deep voice that said, "Who goes there?" a) Badger b) Mabel c) Rat d) Rabbit
a) Badger