Famous Books 1
Famous Books 2
Famous Authors

This type of fantasy takes place in a fabricated, usually Earth-like, world and always has some sort of magical element baked in.

What is high fantasy?

This trilogy follows a group of nine adventurers and their thousand-mile journey through possibly the most recognizable fantasy world in existence.

What is Lord of the Rings?


This five (soon-to-be six) book series, released in August of 1996, was adapted into an HBO TV show.

What is a Game of Thrones?


This author wrote Throne of Glass.

Who is Sarah J. Maas?


This type of fantasy takes place on Earth, but with a twist. Either magic seriously altered history or it's a recent discovery, but it exists.

What is low fantasy?


This trilogy is set in a universe that contains magic that heals the user rather than weakening them. The main country is based off Tsarist Russia.

What is Shadow and Bone?


This fairy tale-esque story is a classic that preluded one of the most famous trilogies of all time.

What is The Hobbit?


This author finished the Wheel of Time series.

Who is Brandon Sanderson?


This type of fantasy is usually a children's tale, but it can be very grim.

What are fairy tales?


This seven-book series was adapted into eight movies.

What is Harry Potter?


This 15-book megaseries was finished by a different author after the original one died.

What is the Wheel of Time?


This author wrote Six of Crows.

Who is Leigh Bardugo?


This type of fantasy incorporates gruesome or disturbing themes into a magical narrative, and the magic usually tends to be bad.

What is dark fantasy?


This fantasy series contains a magic system based on sixteen metals and the different uses of each of them.

What is Mistborn?


This heptalogy is a special sort of bridge fantasy- fantasy that takes place both on Earth and in a different world.

What are the Chronicles of Narnia?


This author wrote Fourth Wing.

Who is Rebecca Yarros?


This type of fantasy is more action-oriented; magic is developed less, monsters are more common, and the tales can get more personal.

What is sword and sorcery?


This fantasy book, published on April 5, 2023, got a top spot in the New York Times Bestsellers list because of TikTok.

What is Fourth Wing?


This heptalogy was written by a well-known horror author and starts as a Western.

What is the Dark Tower series?

This author wrote Gardens of the Moon.

Who is Steven Erikson?