the time and place of where the story is.
Where do people meet online? name 3 places.
Snapchat, Facebook, games, tiktok
How many districts are there and how many were there in the past?
There are 12, but there were 13 before the dark days.
What is the name of the new popular NRK TV-series starring a person with Down syndrome?
oppdrag (søken)
Name five examples of fantasy literature.
Peter Pan, Narnia, Harry Potter, The wizard of Oz, The lord of the rings, Percy Jackson, The hunger games.
How can we remake ourselves on the internet?
we can be older, younger, smarter or stronger than we really are.
What is the reward for winning the game?
The district is rewarded with gifts (mostly food) and prizes.
Muslims around the world have celebrated the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. What is the name of the celebration?
Name three themes in fantasy literature.
1. Life and death
2. good vs. Evil
3. love and hate
4. honour and courage
According to Plato, what is the real world?
the world of ideas.
What are the rules of the hunger games? You must have 2 correct.
1. Each of the twelve districts must provide one boy and one girl.
2. The teenagers fight to their death.
3. The last one standing wins.
On Monday a week ago, 25.000 workers went on strike. Why were they on strike?
They demanded higher wages.
Say three characteristics from the fantasy genre which can be found in hunger games.
For example:
Unrealistic world
Unrealistic technology
Strange creatures
Theme: good vs. Evil
How can the number of «likes» affect people?
likes can make you feel approved, popular or liked in life. The absence of likes can also be a sign of being disliked.
What is the background for Hunger games, why do they have this game?
During the dark days there was an uprising in the districts against the capitol. To remember the dark history and as a punishment for this uprising,
Where is Eurovision Song Contest (2023) taking place?
an extract
Et utdrag
1. Elements of magic.
2. strange creatures.
3. magical setting.
4. timeless themes.
5. plot involves journey or quest.
How can the internet affect how we feel about ourselves?
If people like what we post or pictures we post of ourselves, we may feel popular or even loves. Bullying on the internet can make us feel the opposite.
Where is Panem?
Panem is located where north America used to be.
A TV channel in the USA must pay $800 million to the election company Dominion. TV channel admitted to telling lies about the company's voting machines. Which TV channel?
A. Fox News
C. NBC News
Fox news