Name one thing a fanasty story is?
A make believe story
Reality in a story means that:
That it could have happened
When you live in fanasty land too long what does it do to you?
It will be hard to get your mind out of it and opens up problems in the real world
What are mind games we play?
They are things we think about ourselves that are not true
What is the definition for creative thinking?
Is having new ideas and seeing them happening in your mind and working towards them
ex. music, artwork, writing etc.
What does a fansty places in a story consist of?
Magical places
Reality about places in a story could be:
What is the definition of fantasy?
It is an idea with no basis in reality, it is basically your imagination
What are mind games others play?
If it is intentional then they are trying to manipulate you
Creative thinking equals what?
In fanasty stories animals act:
Like humans
What about the people in a reality story?
People can be real in a reality story
What is the definition of reality?
Is fact,it is what you see,hear, and experience, it is a real event
Mind games can be:
Fantasy or reality
What is imagination?
It is a combination of ideas, pictures, thoughts of what you have seen and heard
In Fanasty stories what might animals wear?
Animals in a reality story do what?
Act like animals
is this fantasy or reality? The cat drove his motorcycle to the park.
Name 2 ways you can tell if someone is playing a mind game with you?
Inconsistent behaviors, never apologizes, gaslighting you, relationship hot sometimes and goes to cold, they make you question your self-worth, everything is your fault, withholds affection as punishment
Imagination/ creative thinking is great but do they always happen?
No imagination or creative thinking has no guarantee of happening, they are only possibilities but if you don't work toward your ideas nothing will happen so they are worth the risk
What other things may be in a fanasty story?
Might be monsters, aliens, dinosaurs
Name 2 other things that a reality story may consist of?
Facts and may be funny
Is this Fantasy or Reality?I rode my bike to Aunt Shelly's house
Summary: mind games causes:
Us to get reality mixed up with fantasy, when we start believing what is said, then our self-esteem goes down the drain so to speak
Stand up for yourself, walk away
What is a healthy imagination?
It is a mind that knows the difference between reality and fantasy/ imagination