Why is it important that we cope with our emotions before we go to bed?
Because they cause us to dream
Reality Day Dreaming consist of:
Thinking, imagination, new goals, free will or choice
Your Goal and Action=Reality
Reality in relationships is:
Communicating with one another
Realizing you both have different thinking and values
Sharing time with them
Agreeing & compromising on things
When reading people what is the difference between, and what should I be looking for if thier giving a true or false message?
True messages- will add up to being positive
False messages- will add up being negative or just not happening
Name a body language cue that a person is lying?
Expression will be stiff, hands movements toward thier body, they avoid eye contact
Will touch nose, face throat, or chest with an open hand
Use humor or sarcasm to avoid a certain topic
Can you name 2 reasons that causes us to dream?
Videos you have watched, books you have read,emotions at bedtime
What does fantasy Day Dreaming consist of:
Thinking, imagination,control action over others, one sided
Your Goal & Idea still a thought = Fantasy
What is one of the hardest part of a relationship?
Expressing how you feel for one another
It is important we read people the right way or what happens?
We can be decieved, or hurt
Name another body language cues that tells you are lying?
Offer shorter responses
Blinks more, fidgets more, gestures and expressions don't match, inconsistent stories, provides uneccessary details, gets defensive
Can you name 2 other reasons that causes you to dream?
Our fears,the media, what we have talked about, or stories you have heard
When does day dreaming happen?
Happens when our dreams become overactive in our imaginationin daily life
We apply it to other people by seeing more into things than there really is, it is called fantasy and is unreal
How do we take others forgranted?
By assuming you know how they feel,think, or what they want
What happens when we say something and our body language does not match?
People will think we are lying, or trying to cover something up
Other things you can look for to tell if someone is lying are:
Timing and emotions are off, mouth movements only no emotion, look uncomfortable, place something beteen you like a book subconsciously, leave out pronouns, speak out of thier normal tone of voice
What are prophetic dreams or visions?
They are dreams that come true in life
When can day dreaming become dangerous?
When it involves other people without thier permission
ex. seeing more in the situation than there is, it is onesided only in your mind, it is not a relationship only fanasty
What is reality?
It is what is happening right now
How can we tell when someone is lying?
By thier body language and thier gestures
Liars often use microexpressions or facial expressions unconsciously like:
Eyebrows will raise, mouth opens, upper whites of eyes will show, upper eyelids will be raised, wrinkles in forehead or in between eyes
What causes you to dream, can you pin point what it is?
Personal answer
Is this fantasy or reality- I am interested in someone, I think they want me too
How can we interpret reality?
Through persons body lanage, thier words, eye contact, expressions, gestures, and thier tone of voice
have you ever lied?
Personal answer
Willa liar have all these traits?
No , only some of them