What is the meaning of the word "drone" in the story?
to make a low, continuous humming sound
Why was the United States Marine Mammal Protection Act created?
Deaths of many dolphins in seine nets
What is a synonym for deployed?
The difference between the lion habitat and the zebra habitat is very ____________ because both animals live in the same region of the world.
How does the purse-seine fishing nets from the tuna industry harm dolphins?
The dolphins get caught in the nets and drown
How did the fishermen start to save the dolphins?
They would have swimmers go into the water to help the dolphins swim over the net.
What is an antonym for subtle?
When I was visiting Australia, I observed that a Clownfish and Lionfish _________ a coral reef.
What is the purpose of the diagram on page 221?
It illustrates how the researchers have set up their stations for observation on their trip
What is the main purpose of the researchers’ trip?
The primary focus of the trip is to find out what is happening to the populations of spotted and spinner dolphins.
Use the word inhabits in a sentence
Answers may vary
The general ___________ the troops into position.
Why do the scientists measure amounts of algae and plankton in the water?
They are the main source of food for many marine animals.
The text says the water is dark and murky if .........
There is more plankton and algae or a large amount
Use the word embark in a sentence
Answer may vary
The ___________ focus on attending your trumpet lesson is to learn how to play the trumpet.
How is the author's purpose to inform demonstrated throughout the text?
The author (SOPHIE) shares facts and information about her experiences as a marine researcher.
What does P.I.E. stand for?
Use the word primary in a sentence
Answers may vary
Henry Hudson __________ on four attempts to discover a northern water route between Europe and Asia.