What can fill a room but takes up no space?
How many seasons did Friends have?
Who has won the most tennis Grand Slam titles ever?
Serena Williams / Novak Djokovic
What is the name the biggest tech company in Korea?
Which country did Russia send nukes to that could bomb the US?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
In which US city was Grey`s anatomy set?
How many bases are on a baseball field?
This figure opposed British opression in India through peaceful protest.
Mahatma Gandhi
On which side did Spain join WW2?
What goes up but never comes down?
This TV show is famous for its line "Winter is coming"...
Game of thrones
What is the very center of the target called in darts or archery?
What organ does an optopus have 3 of?
What happened at Dunkirk?
British soldiers were rescued by civilians in boats
It belongs to you but your friends use it more. What is it?
Your name
Who is the actor playing Walter White in Breaking Bad?
Bryan Cranston
Which country was first ever to win a World Cup?
Name two presidents who have been impeached
Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump
Which presidents were assasinated?
Abraham Lincoln, JFK
What can you break even if you never pick it up or touch it?
A promise
What is the name of the ice cream parlor where Steve and Robin work in Stranger things, season 3?
Scoops Ahoy
Which year did the frist modern Olympic games take place and in which country?
1896, Greece
How many countries are in Europe? (+-5)
Who was the Prime Minister during the Falkland Wars?
Margaret Thatcher