Farm Economy

Official title of organizations calling themselves "Granges."

Patrons of Husbandry


Was responsible for shifting labor focus from social issues to that of wages, hours and conditions through the American Federation of Labor

Samuel Gompers


Chicago incident in 1886 due to pay raise and working hour demands that led to a riot and a bombing by anarchists killing police officers. 

Haymarket Square


The granges insisted on more paper currency access through this political party.

Greenback Pary


She founded the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union that benefited new immigrants to eventually reduce the work week and provide better working conditions.

Rose Schneiderman


Labor dispute at Carnegie steel mill in 1892 that turned violent with Pinkerton detectives defending management's decision to fire 3,800 workers.

Homestead Strike


Presidential candidate of 1896 famous for his "Cross of Gold" speech supporting the use of silver.

William Jennings Bryan


The IWW or Wobblies challenged Capitalism, sought to break down divisions between races and the sexes, opposed WWI, and preferred militant opposition to management and were led by him. 

Big Bill Haywood

This strike of 1894 required the federal government to be involved due to mail service interruption. Members of the American Railway Union refused to service certain railroad cars.

Pullman Boycott


This organization reached 1 million in membership by 1890 to support the needs of African-American farmers.

Colored Farmer's Alliance


In this organization Terence Powderly insisted that members be skilled and that workers not strike. Started mostly as a social and cultural movement but demanded early on the 8 hour working day.

Knights of Labor


A Colorado incident involving national guardsmen killing innocent people at a tent colony due to striking coal miners.

Ludlow Massacre


The Farmers' Alliances that fought against debt and low prices were supported by this Kansas lawyer who said farmers should "raise less corn and more hell."

Mary Elizabeth Lease


Uniting with the United Steelworkers of America, this union rose out of frequent military force being used among workers in states like Colorado.

Western Federation of Miners


This New York factory caught fire in 1911 killing dozens of young female workers which prompted working condition reforms in the U.S.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory