Agriculture Dependancies
Careers in Agriculture
Types of Farming
Know your food?
Pesky little things

What are two essential elements that contribute to the success of farming?

Light and water (moisture)


I study, research and care for crops and soils. Who am I?

An Agronomist.


Farmers may leave one farm area after two or four years of cultivation to manage soil fertility. What is this called?

Crop rotation


Which meat is healthier, rabbit meat or chicken?

Rabbit meat.

Rabbit meat is higher in protein while being lower in calories and fats compared to chicken meat. Rabbit meat is also nearly 22 times richer in vitamin B12 and a better source of most minerals, while chicken is richer in most other B-group vitamins.1


What are two common insect pests in vegetables?

Mites, aphids, fruit borers, worms, caterpillars, Bettles, 


What is soil compost made up of and how is it helpful in farming?

Soil compost comprises (mostly organic) food scraps such as vegetable peels, skins, coffee & tea grounds, eggshells and garden cuttings.

Compost sustains soil moisture under dry conditions and is a natural fertilizer for plant use and soil health.


I work in and around soils to ensure that they remain healthy for agriculture productivity and sustained ecosystems. Who am I?

Soil Scientist


Growing fish and crops together in an integrated system is called?



What is a natural source of electrolytes and can be very helpful to avoid or recover from dehydration?

Coconut water


Which pest do not commonly attack sweet potatoes?

a. rats

b. weevils

c. grubs

d. silver lizards

d. silver lizards


Give an example of an undesirable field condition that causes damage to field equipment or deformed produce?

Metal, steal, stones or boulders (rocks) in agricultural fields


I employ high skills and knowledge to ensuring plants grow well and provide good yields and trade with many consumers. Who am I?

A farmer/agri-entrepreneur


The practice of growing beneficial trees alongside crops and/or animals is called?

a. Intensive farming

b. Mixed farming

c. Agroforestry

d. Tree-top cultivation

c. Agroforestry


Describe two ways to make excess food available for future use without compromising its nutritional value?

Freezing and drying.

Minimal processing, including washing, peeling, cutting and drying or freezing is an effective way to store excess harvest for future use without (severely) altering nutritional value of foods. 


An animal can be classified both as a pest by some and a pet by others.

True or False


Although they can considered invasive pests when feral in the wild, many of the top invasive mammals in the world lead a double life, as they are also desirable as pets and valuable as agricultural livestock. 1


Two examples of living things that benefit farming.

Bees, wasp, ladybirds, bettles & earthworms


Without me, pest control can be mismanaged, leading to many unintended consequences. Who am I?

An Entomologist


A type of farming that strives to provide plants with optimal water, fertilizers and temperature conditions.

Protected agriculture/shade-house (greenhouse) farming


Can you provide two nutritional benefits of sweet potato?

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, complex carbohydrate


What type of farming provides a favourable environment for increase pest presence?

a. Mixed farming

b. Crop rotation

c. Monoculture

d. Intercropping

c. Monoculture


Climate wise, what are the riskiest 3 months of the year for the Caribbean agriculture and why?

September- November (the main growing season and peak annual hurricane season)


I invest time and resources into preparing a new generation of agricultural brains to ensure food security and economic development, among other things. Who am I?

An Agriculture Teacher


Crickets, grasshoppers, worms and flies are grown and consumed by animals and humans as high protein food sources. 




How would you describe foods that are linked to noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol?

Ultra-processed foods that are high in salts, sugars and trans-fats. Eg. fried foods, sweetened beverages, cookies, donuts etc.

Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancers, and diabetes are responsible for 71% of global deaths (41 million) each year (WHO).


Which of the following is not a universally accepted approach for managing mammal pest.

a. a biological understanding of the specie

b. use of good cultural practices such as pest-free planting material

c. leave undisturbed and allow the natural lifecycle of the pest to expire.

d. appropriate chemical use upon observation

e. policies to control reproduction and movement.


c. leave undisturbed and allow natural lifecycle of pest to expire.