FASD 101
myth breaker
FASD science
FASD and school
Everybody plays a part

4% of Canadians

What is the amount of Canadians diagnosed with FASD


You can get FASD if bio parent used cannabis, or other illicit substances while pregnant.

What is False, FASD is caused specifically from using alcohol in pregnancy


The rate that alcohol is transfused through the placenta.

What is 100% The baby absorbs alcohol at the same rate as the mom, and because their liver is not yet developed the baby may not metabolize it as quickly meaning that alcohol may stay in the baby blood stream longer.


All persons with FASD have a low IQ

What is False, many with FASD have normal ranged IQ


Lack of funding for needs is an example of

What is how government plays a part


number of brain domains that can be effected

What is Ten. This can include Memory, Language, executive function, affect regulation, attention, sensory, academic achievement, neuro-anatomy, motor skills, adaptive functioning and social. 


You must have facial features to be diagnosed with FASD.

What is false, less than 10% of people diagnosed with FASD have facial features they only.  The facial features of FASD include a flat and thin upper lip, and small eye openings. The facial features are developed during a small window of time during the first two months of gestation.


Thin upper lip, smooth philtrum, narrow eye openings, low ears, flat cheeks and midface

what are facial features associated with FASD


Keeping routine, using concreate examples, have structure and consistency are all things necessary for....

Having school success for those with FASD


Understanding tricky consent is an example of

What is how medical professionals and interventions play a part.


PAE stands for?

Pre Natal Alcohol Exposure


Bio parent has to be an alcoholic to give FASD

What is false, Heath Canada says there is no safe amount of alcohol.


kidneys, liver, heart, respiratory system, pain tolerance, feeding issues.

What are other systems that can be affected by FASD.


30 second kids in a 10 seconds world is an example of.

What is their processing speed


Understanding that taking things from a business or home is an example of

How police officers and the justice system plays a part.


What are the two diagnostic clinics for this centre?

What is Kid Inclusive and Northumberland is Lake Ridge Health


Their "bad" Behaviour is caused by bad parenting

What is false. Behaviour is part of a brain based disability and the person struggling to communicate/or understand what they need in that moment. With the right supports they can be successful.


The part of the brain damaged by prenatal alcohol exposure that controls, sense of hot/hold, pain, and hunger.

What is the hypothalamus


they completed a assignment yesterday but cannot recall it today is an example of...

what is their working memory or memory recall


Understanding that taking away their recess or making them write extra line and homework will not teach them to do their work right or on time is an example of.

What is how Educators play a part


Classification of Disability is Fasd

What is a physical brain based disabilty


There is no cure

what is correct, there is no cure as it is lifelong physical disability but with the right supports and interventions a person with FASD can learn to manage their disability and advocate for what they need.


Decreased # of dendrites, and disrupted myelin sheath, leading to Interrupted or mixed messages. 

What is the structure of a Nerve Cell of a person with FASD.


John said a youth pushed him on the playground and now he wants to fight them. A monitor saw the other student bump accidently into John.  This is an example of..

What is mis interpretation of social cues and confabulation.


Everyone understanding that behaviour is not intentional but ........ is how every plays a part

What is communication