Scholarship Ranges
General FASE
Niche FASE

A COMPASS student wants to know their options for scholarship

What is T-Bird Promise and scholarship appeal?


Steps to accessing the WCFA inbox to respond to texts (every step is required)

What is

1. Click inbox button at top of screen

2. Click Assigned on the left hand side

4. Click Open

3. Click SMS Undergrad Inbox


In-state and out-of-state tuition rate (before fees)

What is $3,093 and $10,208?


Name all the interns

Who are Kibbie, Rebecca, Abby, Baylee & Amanda?


What does SAI stand for?

Student Aid Index


Requirements for in-state Presidents Scholarship

What is a 3.9 GPA AND 28 ACT or 1300 SAT?

What type of messages in the inbox can you not respond to? 

What is President Campaign texts?


Qualifications for an academic merit scholarship

What is apply to the university, and turn in transcripts (test scores optional)?


Number of modules in the FASE training (including the final assessment)? 

What is 8?

What taxes do they use for the FAFSA?

What is prior-prior year (2 years ago)?


Requirements for WUE scholarship

What is 2.5-3.69 GPA or 18-30 ACT or 960-1360 SAT?

Where in slate can you view where a student is from?

What is the upper right hand corner of their profile? 


Who can use Academic Merit Scholarships during the summer?

What is in-state students? 


What year did FASE start?

What is 2020?


A resource students and families can use to get an estimate of their FAFSA aid. 

What is the Student Aid Estimator? 


A student is from Idaho. They have a 3.0 GPA and a 32 ACT what scholarship would they qualify for? 

What is Non-Resident Founders' Scholarship?


Where can you see the previous interactions that we have had with a student on Slate?

What is the Timeline tab?


Link to make a financial aid appointment with Corben


List 4 of the FASE Texting Commandments

1. Use Admissions Checklist, FA Dashboard & Slate

2. Clear inbox before sending out more texts

3. Don't text like a robot. Be professional

4. Read the previous conversation

5. Quality over Quantity 

6. Use Snippets wisely. Customize them to your situation

7. Always ask all the leading questions

8. Above all else be helpful 


Scenario: A girl comes in with her mom for a tour. During the tour the mom mentions that they are worried about paying for college and they she recently lost her job. What would you recommend to this family (for the FAFSA application)? 

What is Eligibility Reevaluation? 


A student was born in Mexico but has attended Cedar High School for all 4 years. What would you recommend that they look into? 

What is HB144?

Look up T01258690 on slate. Tell me their name, what high school they attended, their reported GPA, their assigned recruiter, and intended term.

What is Daniella Robinson-Kelman, Arbor View High School, 2.8 GPA, Andrea Martinez, and Fall 2024


Steps to apply for deferment (All steps in order)

What is Apply to SUU, Accept Scholarship, Complete Deferment Form, Complete Release Form, and Forward Emails?


List at least 3 FASE Deadly Sins

1. Not acting to messages in the chat 

2. Taking pictures in the office

3. Sending emails from your personal email when calling 

4. Not sending the outro when texting 

5. Not asking leading questions

6. Not clocking in and out 

7. Not communicating


Scenario: A set of twins come to a Red Riot and their dad says they are not planning on filling out the FAFSA application because they won't qualify for anything. Why would you recommend that they fill it out anyways?

What are some private scholarships require it, institutional scholarships here at SUU, Work Study, and to have loans as a resource?