1940s-WWII Era
1950s-Rock n' Roll Era
1960s-Civil Rights Era
1970s-Hippy/Disco Era
1980s-Yuppie Era

Military fashion influenced this jacket, which was a major fashion piece for men in the 1940s.

What is the Bomber Jacket?


These skirts were a major hit in 1950s fashion, and were often paired with saddle shoes.

What are Poodle Skirts?


These garments were a defining fashion of London in the 1960s and were often paired with colored tights.

What are Mini Skirts?


Clothing used contrasting colors and these type of prints for women in the 1970s.

What are Bold Floral Prints?


Shoulder pads were HUGE for women in the 1980s. They created this silhouette for women.

What is Inverted Triangle?


Because of new popular suits for women, this was the female silhouette of the 1940s.

What is Inverted Triangle?


This age group began showing their own unique fashions, highly inspired by rock n' roll. It was a mark of rebellion for these people!

Who are Teenagers?


Women began wearing these items, which were very controversial and progressive at the time; before the 1960s, these were hardly ever worn in public by women.

What are Pantsuits?


Men's fashion in the 1970s featured bold, wide ties, wide collars, and these iconic "hippie" pants.

What are Bell Bottoms?


A big "fitness boom" in the 1980s made wearing this type of clothing in public very popular! Neon made it even more hip.

What is Exercise Wear?


Because of a lack of silk & nylon, women took to using makeup to draw a line on the back of their legs. This was to make them appear as if they were wearing this.

What are nylons/tights?


This garment for women has a named derived from an Italian isle; it's a more feminine alternative to trousers.

What are Capri Pants?


This suit, introduced by our beloved Coco, was iconic! Normally made of tweed, it is still recognizable as a fashion classic.

What is the Chanel Suit?


Clothing in the 1970s was called this, which meant both men and women were dressing similarly; this clothing really pushed against traditional gender stereotypes.

What is Unisex?


Logo wear was a way for people to show off their status in the 1980s. These items were popular, and often displayed logos on the back pockets.

What are Designer Jeans?


Women were taking over the workforce as most men were away at war. Their manual labor jobs were not easily done in dresses/skirts, so this article of clothing became common for women to wear to work (but not yet out in public!).

What are slacks?

Men's fashion used this "look", which included khaki slacks, button down shirts, and sweaters instead of suit jackets.

What is The "Ivy League" Look?


This small hat had a flat crown, straight sides, and no brim. First lady Jackie Kennedy used this as her signature style and turned it into an iconic accessory throughout the 1960s.

What is the Pillbox Hat?


These were the party shoe! They featured VERY thick, high soles and were mostly to attract attention. Perfect for the disco!

What are Platform Shoes?


Women were becoming a force to reckoned with in industry! They often wore these outfits to establish authority in a professional environment.

What are Power Suits?


These outfits were popular for women to wear to office jobs and allowed them to mix-and-match pieces. Many women even wore them for their weddings!

What are Convertible Suits?


French designer Christian Dior is credited for beginning this new style, which revolutionized women's fashion; it signaled a major shift in post-war fashion. Full skirts & cinched waists were the signature.

What is The New Look?


Men and Women shared this silhouette in the 1960s.

What is Rectangular?


Halter tops were popular for women and bell bottoms were a hit for all people during the 1970s! They created these silhouette for both men and women.

What is Triangular?


Men's fashion often used narrow detailing, suspenders, and these color pallet in the 1980s.

What is Pastel?