Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Which of the following is a power of the national government ONLY? A. Build Roads B. Print coins and money C. Regulate trade inside a state
B. Print coins and money
The mass media is sometimes referred to as "the fourth branch of government" because it... A. Enforces all government policies B. Influences public opinion on many issues C. Is a powerful federal agency
B. Influences public opinion on many issues
Congress passed a law that required states to make voting aids or individual assistance available to the disabled and the elderly. Which of these is most likely a result of this law? A. Citizens face more obstacles when they show up to vote B. Voters must vote in the precinct in which they live C. Election officials may ask a voter for identification D. Voters may request ballot instructions in large print
D. Voters may request ballot instructions in large print
The United States Constitution is called a “living document” because it... A. can be changed when needed B. outlines the government's structure C. refers to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness D. supports every citizen's right to make a good living
A. can be changed when needed
In order for a treaty to be ratified, the president needs approval from... A. the US Senate B. The Vice President C. the Supreme Court
A. the US Senate
Which of these activities do political parties most likely perform? A. Creating rules governing general elections B. Raising campaign money for candidates C. Designing the voting ballots for elections
B. Raising campaign money for candidates
When the president vetoes a bill... A. the bill becomes a new law immediately B. the bill does not become a law C. Congress can no longer debate this bill D. The Supreme Court must decide if the bill can still be passed
B. the bill does not become a law
If the President and Congress disagree over a tax bill, the President can veto the bill. Which of these applies to a presidential veto? A. checks and balances B. judicial review C. representative democracy D. federalism
A. checks and balances
Which branch of government is able to override a veto? A. Legislative Branch B. Executive Branch C. Judicial Branch
A. Legislative Branch
Which of these best explains a key difference between political parties and interest groups? A. Political parties evaluate government policy, while interest groups set government policy B. Political parties wish to influence laws, while interest groups work to ratify laws C. Political parties address many issues, while interest groups usually focus on one issue
C. Political parties address many issues, while interest groups usually focus on one issue
The main power of a legislature is to... A. Enforce laws B. Obey laws C. Interpret laws D. Make laws
D. Make laws
Which of these examples best reflects the principle of representative democracy? A. Citizens of a town vote on all government issues. B. The leader of a country makes all government decisions. C. A judge finds a defendant guilty of a crime. D. An elected official proposes a bill in the state legislature.
D. An elected official proposes a bill in the state legislature.
Which of the following statements is TRUE about the US Constitution? A. It limits the freedoms of Americans B. It allows for the US government to limit people's speech rights C. It sets out the purpose of the US government
C. It sets out the purpose of the US government
Which of these could result if a state's population DECLINED over time? A. Increased funding from Congress for social programs B. Reduced representation in the House of Representatives C. Reduced representation in the U.S. Senate
B. Reduced representation in the House of Representatives
Which of the following statements is true about the impeachment process? A. The Justice Department has the power to impeach federal officials B. The US Supreme Court has the power to conduct the impeachment trial C. The House of Representatives has the power to impeach federal officials D. The US Senate can impeach an official if the House is too slow to act
C. The House of Representatives has the power to impeach federal officials
A group of people disagree with a law supported by the Maryland General Assembly. In attempting to overturn this law, which process would the group most likely use? A. Recall B. Inquiry C. Impeachment D. Referendum
D. Referendum
Which of these examples best reflects the principle of DIRECT DEMOCRACY? A. The people of Maryland will decide if the government will recognize gay marriages B. The president is working with Congress to help the economy improve C. The Supreme Court declared that police need a warrant in order to track the movement of suspects
A. The people of Maryland will decide if the government will recognize gay marriages
In the United states political process, special interest groups... A. Vote on bills favoring their cause B. Endorse candidates favoring their views C. Conduct voting in the House and Senate
B. Endorse candidates favoring their views
Which of these explains why former members of the legislature are often hired as lobbyists? A. They retain congressional voting privileges B. They have inside knowledge of lawmaking procedures C. They are able to continue using the offices they has as congressional members D. They are elected to interest groups by the same constituents who elected them as lawmakers
B. They have inside knowledge of lawmaking procedures
Which of these is an example of following the rule of law? A. Citizens vote for a new amendment. B. The General Assembly approves the governor’s budget. C. Political parties hold a convention to nominate candidates. D. The governor is impeached for wrongdoing.
D. The governor is impeached for wrongdoing.