Fast Food Places
Calories in Food
Health Effects
This fast food chain is credited with selling the very first hamburger chain, selling their first burger in 1921 for 5 cents each.
What is White Castle?
The grilled chips at this popular mexican fast food chain can have over 550 calories (without salsa or guacamole)
What is Chipotle?
This negative health issue affects over 17% of children aged 2-19 in the United States, and has been proven to be linked to poor nutrition and overeating of fast food.
What is childhood obesity?
This country has the largest fast food industry in the world.
What is the United States?
An index of body fat that is measured according to your height and weight.
What is BMI, or Body Mass Index
This Burger King Whopper has over a whopping how many calories?
What is over 670 calories?
The supersize portion of fries at McDonalds contains how this many calories.
What is 610?
This disease is a common negative health effect of overeating fast/junk food, and it involves blood pressure and insulin.
What is diabetes?
This many people are employed in the area of food preparation and fast food servicing in the U.S.
What is 4.1 million people.
Eating unhealthy foods can cause this to build up inside your arteries and cause a stroke or heart attack.
What is plaque?
This huge fast food chain is in over 126 countries on six continents.
What is McDonald's?
A Quarter Pounder with cheese, medium fries and a medium soda at McDonald's is this many calories.
What is over 1,100.
Fast food is loaded with this crystalline mineral, which is alright in moderation but not in too large of amounts. too much of it has been proven to contribute to stroke and high blood pressure.
What is sodium?
Over the period of a year People who ate fast food in a certain study over 2 times a week gained on average how many more pounds than those who only ate once or less?
What is 15 pounds.
This Swedish word is used sometimes to describe how the fast food is served; i.e. in a buffet style with a variety of choices.
What is smorgasbord?
Many fast food places will dip their fries into this grainy substance right after deep frying in order to give it that golden brown hue.
What is sugar?
The sodium content in six of these small items on McDonald's menu is 800 mg, over 1/3 of the daily recommended limit of 2300 mg.
What are Chicken McNuggets?
Eating fast food too often can result in a much higher risk for this health scare - involving a loss of brain function due to a disturbance in the blood flow to the brain.
What is a stroke?
Scientists predict that in the next 40 years, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes will increase this much percentage in the United States.
What is 300%?
This is the Japanese equivalent of fast food.
What is bento?
In order to work off a Super sized coke, fries, and a Big Mac at Burger King, you would need to walk on the treadmill for this long of time.
What is 7 hours.
Large nachos at this popular mexican fast food joint are a whopping 780 calories.
What is Taco Bell?
The US Department of and Human Services discovered that a combination of poor diet and lack of physical activity caused 310,000-580,000 of these every year.
What is deaths?
The total annual cost of healthcare to treat diabetes is estimated at this much.
What is $174 billion dollars.
This condition is when the artery wall thickens as a result of cholesterol and fatty triglicerides accumulating there, resulting in many health problems.
What is atherosclerosis?