AR Safety
Floor Recovery

The 4 pieces of equipment that everyone needs before stepping out onto the live AR floor. 

What is radio, vest, kindle, and bump cap?


The different statuses that a DU can have. 

What is In Service, Out of Service, Managed, and Faulted?


The option available for use when a Managed or OOS area is going to be there for a long period of time.

What is Longstanding?


The size of the work area needed for a task that takes more than 3 minutes. 

What is a 9x9 OOS Area?


The number of fiducials that you can stray off of your Access Path. 

What is 4?


The PSC stack indicator for a SRBRS vest being connected. 

What is blinking white light?


The difference between a Managed Area & Out of Service Area.

What is drives you manage can move through your managed areas & nothing can move through an OOS area?


The things you can use to verify your location while on the AR floor.

What are Pod Numbers, Drive Numbers, Chargers, Cages, and Landmarks?

A spill larger than this can be escalated to AR.

What is 2x2?


The amount of active SRBRS vests allowed on one floor/zone? 

What is 10?


The reason we can't enter the AR floor from an ARSAW.

What is a raised platform?


The two actions from the Actions Menu that are not allowed to be performed by AFM's. 

What is Remove Drives/Pods Off Floor & Shot-Call Issues?


The order in which issues on the AR Floor should be prioritized.

What are Stations, Super Highways, Travel Lanes, and Storage Areas.


The steps that need to be taken to Recover a Faulted Drive on the AR Floor. 

What is Reset Drive, Sweep Under Drive, Move Drive to a new fiducial, Manage the area, Walk away (on your path), and In-Service Drive?


The things you check for the Safety Double Check.

What is Solid Green LED & Active Access Path?


The safest method for entering the AR floor since all drive motion is stopped and isolated.

What is a LOTO (Lock Out-Tag Out) Blitz?

The reasons we assign tasks to ourselves.

What is Letting Other AFMs Know You're Getting It & Getting Credit for It.


The approved entry points onto the AR floor. 

What is Gates and Non-elevated Universal stations?


The meaning of "???" on a POD in MMA. 

What is an Unknown POD?


The different motions to Turn On, Activate, Deactivate, Turn Off your SRBRS Vest.

What is
Turn On: Blue 1 Second
Activate: Orange 1 Second
Deactivate: Orange 5-8 Seconds
Turn Off: Blue 6-10 Seconds


The following information that needs to be reported to your AM immediately when an incident occurs.

What is what happened, when, who, where, and what AR equipment?


The things we have to do in order to reach issues in the middle of a pod cluster.

What is managing an area and storing pods?


The AR Equipment that is on and off the AR floor that can be used to verify your location before entering the AR floor.

What is Gate number, Pods, Drives, and Stations?


The main goal of Floor Health/Amnesty.

What is reducing pod gaps and keeping AAs working?


The steps you need to take when your vest faults.

What is calmly following your path off of the AR floor, clearing faulted vest, OOSing your vest, and turning your vest off?