AR Safety
Floor Recovery

What 3 Personal Protective Equipment do you need before entering the Active AR floor?

A Radio, Kindle, and SRBRS Vest


What steps do you have to take on MMA before you leave site at EOS?

Out of Service SRBRS Vest, Ensure there are no equipment owned/managed by you.


How many branches are allowed from an access path?

3 Branches


The amount of times to Soft Reset & Hard Reset a DU.

2 Soft Resets & 1 Hard Reset


The number of fiducials that you can stray off of your Access Path. 

Up to 4 Fiducials


Which PSC (Perimeter Safety Controller) stack light indicator indicates that drives are stopped?

Solid Amber Light


The different statuses that equipment can have.
(IE. SRBRS Vest, Chutes)

In Service, Out of Service, and Faulted


When arriving at an intersection, how do you identify where to turn?

Drives, Chutes, Chargers


How do you virtually and physically identify if a drive is bombed out/faulted.

Indicator Lights will blink, No signal wifi icon and caution icon, Drive will show as faulted on MMA


How do you Turn on, turn off, activate, & deactivate your SRBRS vest?

1 Sec. Blue = Turn on, 10 Sec. Blue = Turn Off, 1 Sec. Orange = Activate, 5 Sec. Orange = Deactivate


What impact does an Out of Service area have on DU?

Out of Service Area will cause the drive to re-route


What action from the Actions menu is NOT allowed to be performed by AFM's?

Remove Drives Off Floor


The AR Equipment that is on and off the AR floor that needs to be confirmed before entering the floor. 

Gate number, Pods, Drives, Stations, and Chutes


The steps that need to be taken for Drive Recovery while on the AR floor. 

Reset Drive, Move Drive over new fiducial, Step back 4 fiducials, Place Drive In Service


The Safety Double check procedure

Verify Access Path & Solid Green Light


What 3 things do you have to be in order to be able to operate on the active AR floor?

Trained, Certified, and Authorized


The ways to assign an Unassigned Task to yourself. 

Pop Up Menu, Unassigned Tasks List, and Andon Balloons


The approved entry points onto the AR floor. 

Perimeter Gates


Reasons a drive that has been faulted will not go into service.

Torn fiducial, Product under drive, Floor area virtually obstructed, E-Stop initiated on DU


The requirements/equipment needed for an Escortee to access the AR floor. 

Escort form MUST be submitted, SRBRS vest, Kindle, Access Path, Radio


The following information that needs to be reported to your AM immediately when an incident occurs.

What has happened, when it happened, who were involved, where it took place, and what AR equipment is involved?


What is the technical term for the area surrounding a bombed out drive?

System Generated Out of Service Area (SGOOSA)


The action that you need to take if you are experiencing a risk to personal safety. 

Disconnect both SRBRS safety modules to trigger a floor E-STOP.


After in-servicing a faulted drive on MMA once, what status will the drive show?

Managed State


What are the steps to resolving a faulted - active vest?

Calmy & Safely walk off the AR floor following your predetermined safe passage, Clear Faulted Vest in MMA, Out of Service Vest, Power Down Vest, In service path, and inspect SRBRS radio modules and cabling.