
What are two central ideas that would be found in a dog training article?


The importance of proper training. 

The necessity of following commands. 

The importance of socialization with other dogs and people.


What does the following Latin root mean?


to do, to make


Part A: What figurative language is being used in the example below

Part B: What does this figurative language mean?

"My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

Part A: Simile

Part B: Life is unpredictable 


Determine the meaning of the word deficient by using context clues in the passage below:

Scurvy is a disorder caused by a diet lacking in vitamin C.  In the past, scurvy was the major cause of illness among sailors, because their diets were often deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables.



What does the following Greek root mean?




What are two themes (messages) you can find in the passage below?

Pedro began paying attention in class, and studying for tests and quizzes. Slowly, his GPA began to rise. In addition, his self-esteem began to rise as well.

possible answers:

1. Hard work pays off. 

2. Success improves your self-esteem.


Part A: What is the figurative language used in the example below

Part B: What does the figurative language mean?

"It was the early afternoon of a sunshiny day with little winds playing hide-and-seek in it."

Part A: Personification

Part B: There were occasional gusts of wind


Part A: What literary device is being used in the example below

Part B: What is the meaning? 

"It took a Herculean effort on the part of two bystanders to move the stalled car out of traffic."

Part A: Allusion

Part B:powerful


Which phrase has a more negative connotation?

A. He was an employee

B. He was an underling

B. He was an underling


Which word below has a more negative connotation

A. He was conceited

B. He was confident

A. He was conceited


Part A: What literary device is used in the sentence below?

Part B: What is the meaning of the literary device?

"She was the Juliet to his Rome"

Part A: Allusion

Part B: The two people are very in love. 


Part A: What is the figurative language being used in the example below

Part B: What does the figurative language mean?

"New ideas are food for his mind."

Part A: Metaphor

Part B: He is stimulated by new ideas


Part A: Which rhetorical device is in the example below?

Part B: What does it mean?

"What you see is what you get"

Part A: Parallelism

Part B: Things are exactly as they appear


What is the difference between mood and tone?

Tone is the author's attitude toward a subject in the text / Mood is the readers feelings to the text


Part A: Explain what Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are

Part B: Give an example of each of those rhetorical appeals 

*answers will vary*