Text Structure
POV and Perspective
Universal Theme
Mood and Tone

What is personification?

Giving human qualities to inhuman things


What text structure explains similarities and differences between two or more things?

Compare and contrast


What is perspective? 

perspective relates to the way a topic within a text is interpreted by the author


What is theme?

Theme is the lesson that the author uses the story to convey. 


What is tone?

Tone refers to the narrator’s attitude toward events and other characters in the story.


Which rhetorical device uses language that addresses the reader's senses? 



What text structure explains how or why something happened?

Cause and effect


What is point of view and how is is different from perspective?

point of view is the literal view from where the story is being told. 

POV is different from perspective because it relates to the character, not the author. 


What is universal theme? 

Universal them is a theme that relates to all mankind


What is mood?

Mood refers to the emotional atmosphere of the text


How do these lines from "The Latin Deli" convey an allusion?

"and to the Cubans perfecting their speech

of a "glorious return" to Havana -- where no one 

has been allowed to die and nothing to change until then;"

It refers to the historical context of Cuba during this time period. 


What is the difference between a chronological text structure and sequence text structure?

A sequence is a specific order of events or steps of a process, and chronological order is the order of things in terms of time.


What cultural aspects does the author infuse into her poem? 

Provide examples from the poem.

specific foods, maternal figure who works in the store, childhood candies


What text elements can you use to develop a universal theme? 

topics, rhetorical devices, text structure, perspective, word choice


What is the difference between tone and mood?

Tone is how the author feels and mood is how the text makes you feel.


A president is giving a speech on poverty in America. 

How could he use each rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, logos) to appeal to his audience? 

Ethos-He could appeal to the moral responsibility of helping your fellow man. 

Logos-He could provide a statistic of how many people live in poverty. 

Pathos-He could provide imagery of a family in need. 


A manual telling you about having a flat tire and then how to change it would be an example of which text structure?



How is the perspective of the author important to consider when reading "A Latin Deli?"

The cultural background of the author suggests that she is familiar with the cultural importance of the latin deli. 


What is the universal theme being convey in "The Latin Deli?" 

People find comfort in familiarity 


What is the Tone of the Latin Deli?



Which rhetorical device can be found in these lines.

"the fragile old man lost in the fold s

of his winter coat, who brings her lists of items 

that he reads to her like poetry," 



What is the poetic structure of “The Latin Deli” poem? (free verse, sonnet, haiku, limerick)?

Free verse


Use "The Latin Deli" poem to answer the following question.

The poem is written in the _______ tense, from a _________ point of view.

A: past; first-person

B: present; third-person

C: future; second-person

D: present; first-person

B: present; third-person

What do lines 13-19 of "The Latin Deli" mainly reveal about the deli customers? 

A: The customers are homesick

B: The customers are dissatisfied with the store's merchandise 

C: They refuse to speak English 

D: The customers all share the same nationality 

A: The customers are homesick


What Mood is conveyed in these lines: 

“whose needs she must divine, conjuring up products

 from places that now exist only in their hearts—

closed ports she must trade with.”
