Who started Lent?
Jesus Christ
The three day fasting observed prior to Lent.
Fasting of Nineveh
What food is NOT allowed during fasting?
Meat and Diary
On this week, priests wear black vestments, and the Altar is covered with black cloth. Prayers for the dead are not also conducted.
Passion Week
Name three priests here in our church.
Keshi Shishay, Keshi Kiros, Keshi Netsereab
How long is the Great Lent (ዓብይ ጾም) in our Church?
55 days
On which day do we celebrate the crucification of Christ?
Good Friday(ዓርቢ ስቅለት)
What is one of the biggest lessons from fasting in the Great Lent?
a) Learning to control desires and focus on God
b) Becoming physically stronger
c) Gaining popularity in the church
d) Proving endurance to others
a) Learning to control desires and focus on God
True/False - During prostration(sigdet), we are supposed to say Kyrieliyson.
True/False - We are not allowed to greet each other during passion week.
Which event marks the end of the Great Lent?
Easter (Fasika)
What concludes the 50 day celebration/ Beal Hamsa?
Pentecost - when the Apostles received the Holy Spirit.
When do we typically break our fast during fasting periods?
After 3:00 pm
Besides food, what else should be avoided during fasting?
Sinful thoughts and actions
What other fast is done every week except for the weeks of Beal Hamsa (50 day celebration).
The Fast of Wednesdays and Fridays.
How many Sundays are in Lent?
What celebration of non-fasting is followed after Lent?
(The 50 days celebration) በዓለ ሓምሳ
How many "Announced/Mandatory" Fastings are there?
True or False, Other Books(not including Jesus') about our holy fathers are read during passion week.
The 15-day fasting in August to honor Virgin mary's passing?
Fasting of her Assumption (Tsome Filseta)
Why is the Great Lent 55 days long?
Because it includes the Fast of Heraclius(7 days), the 40 days of Lent, and Passion Week(8 days).
Name all the Sundays in lent
Zewerede, Kidist, Mikurab, Mestague, Debre Zeit, Gebrhel(Good Servant), Nicodemus, Hosanna
What fast is followed after pentecost?
Apostles Fasting
What is the meaning of Passion Week (ሰሙን ሀዋርያት)?
The last week of Lent, commemorating the suffering and crucifixion of Christ
On this day of passion week, Jesus washed his disciples feet with humility and ate the last supper with them.
Maundy Thursday, Thursday, ሕጽበተ ሓሙስ