Let's get it (jarg)on
Technically Speaking
Negotiation Station
Just BeClause
The Essentials

A ratio used to help determine buyer vs seller markets

What is the Sales/New Listing Ratio?


Where all deal paperwork must go

What is Docusign?


The item being negotiated in this year's simulation

What is a sugar bowl?

Used to build in time for a buyer to have more confidence when purchasing into a Condo Corp

What is a Condition to Review Status Certificate?


When being interviewed to work with a buyer or seller this is this is crucial in setting yourself apart from the competition

What is your Unique Value Proposition?


A tool used to keep track of your database

What is a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)?


The system you would go to for Title Searches, Property Reports, and Neighbourhood Demographic information 

What is Geowarehouse?


A simple document can be a deal-maker when included with your offer (especially for long-time family homes or estate sales)

What is a buyer introduction letter?


The line in a condition that allows a buyer or seller to move forward with a deal when it isn't actually fulfilled

What is 'This condition is included for the benefit of the buyer/seller and may be waived at the buyer or seller's sole option by notice in writing...'?


The collection of information about your network setting out items like birthdays, addresses and names

What is your database?


An often frustrating and surprising financial obligation for a condo owner

What is a Special Assessment?


Libraries for training resources, business best practices, and tips for navigating the real estate transaction

What are Leading RE, TWHomebase, and TWaining?


The term for your clients' best backup plan if a deal doesn't come together

What is a Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)?


The name we use in Webforms Templates for a clause ensuring that items fixed to the property will stay with the property

What is the Screw Nail clause?


The TW document that provides an overview of the Costs of Ownership

What is the TW Buyer Guide?


When not all of the purchase funds are transferred to a seller on closing to mitigate risk or ensure work is completed

What is a holdback on closing?


The most direct way to get manager support

What is help@trilliumwest.com?


DOM, Divorce, Vacant Homes, Specific closing date and  information revealed by the other agent

What are factors to help determine a seller's motivation?


The name for a clause that will bring an offer back to life if a deadline is missed and both parties would like to continue with the agreement

What is a Revival clause?


Continually uses the replacement of stale indoor air to preheat the incoming fresh outdoor air. It provides a healthy, comfortable, and energy efficient climate inside the home

What is a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV)?


A certification to ensure your fireplace is safe and in good working order

What is a WETT certification?


A skyward resource for your listing preperation

What is Cloud CMA?


The 5 steps for the Art of Negotiation (List 3)

What are: Establishing a relationship, Honey over Vinegar, Win-Win focus, Embodying your inner Adult, and/or using silent pauses?


The most used clause in real estate

What is the 'Buyer to pay balance of purchase price' clause?


The 4 DISC personality types

What are Dominance, Influence, Conscientiousness, and Steadiness?