Recall events from passage
Making inferences from passage
Match incident from passage to person affected

What was An Yi’s mother, Teacher Wei, forced to do?  

She had to beat a gong and speak out against herself in public.


What is Ji-li’s reaction when she is called to Teacher Zhang’s office?

She is nervous about her class status following her to junior high.


Shan-shan had walked right past his mother! She was lying there, injured, and he had not stopped to help her."

What is ... Aunt Xi-wen


Why didn’t Ji-li’s cousin, Shan-shan, help his own mother, Xi-wen, get up after she fell?

After their house was searched, he officially broke relations with her


Which sentence from paragraph 87, best explains Ji-li reaction to being called to Teacher Zhang's office?

“When they found out about my family background, they would treat me just as Du Hai and Yin Lan-lan had."


“They called me a black whelp. They stood on my desk and said if I stared at them, they would dig my eyes out.”

What is ... Ji-yun


What did An Yi and Ji-li do towards the end of the passage that they knew was fourolds?(Page 98)

They tried to see into the future by practicing a superstitious ritual


What is the best explanation for why Ji-li writes that she felt cold even after she went inside in paragraph 80?

The cruelty she witnessed and heard about upset her


“He was wearing a tall dunce cap covered with red X’s, the sign for a criminal.”

What is ... Shan Yi-Dan


What was the summary of the story Xu A-san's told the crowd when talking about "black executioner" Sang Hong-zhen

She tricked him to going to Xianjiang, promising him a better life. When it wasn't what she said it was, he wrote to her, and she sent it to his boss, making his life worse. She was having a good time while he was suffering. 


Time and time again throughout the passage, people are aware that the actions of the Red Guards and the Cultural Revolution are bad, but yet are to afraid to speak up? Why do you think that is?

What is peer pressure and societal pressure


“Two torn shoes, the symbol of immorality, were hung around her neck, along with a sign.”

What is ... Sang Hong-zhen


What is a "black whelp"?

an insulting term for a child of a family belonging to any one of the "Five Black Categories"


Based off the passage, how does Ji-li define the word "Fate"

She defines it as a supernatural power that controls what happens in someone's life based on past actions.


"Then they had the body cremated. Xiao-cheng was saying that they probably beat him to death before he 'hanged himsef'..."

What is ... Min-ming's father