Dad- The Rizzard of Oz
Fax No Printer
Fishing Stories
Kids, Am I Right?

To impress Mom, Dad broke Nana's rule and picked Mom up on this.

What was his dirtbike?


Dad's Birthday

What is January 29th?


The MOO-vies

Where do cows like to go in their free time?


Before a huge test, Dad almost cut this off while using a hedge trimmer. (Dad and Papa)

What is his thumb?


During this movie, Dad reached across about 5 people with a napkin and caused Hyrum to jump so high that he continues to deny it to this day.

What is Arachnophobia?


The two MCC classes Mom and Dad took together.

What is Intro to Cinema and World Religions?

Dad's favorite sport to watch.

What is baseball?


When the punchline is a-parent.

What makes a joke a dad joke?


During the delivery of this child, Dad slid across the room in his socks. (Mom)

Who is Jessie?


While going through the torture of IKEA, Dad made Abigail laugh so hard (and Mom only slightly embarassed) when he started "looking" for HEKTOR, the brand of this object.

What is a desk lamp? (or any light fixture)


The first activity Mom did at the cabin when Dad took her there on a group date.

What is a snowball fight?


Dad's two favorite sports to play.

What is softball and golf?


Put a little boogie in it.

How do you make a tissue dance?


In 4th grade, Dad upstaged this performer by being too clever and funny. (Nana)

What is a magician?


This fear was conquered as Dad sat with Jessie under the cabin after someone left with their flashlight to get the matches (that Jessie forgot haha).

What is the fear of the dark?

When Mom was upset, she threw this at Dad, which he managed to catch and prevent a mess. (Thoroughly thwarting Mom's plans)

What is a deck of cards?


The exact title of Dad's Mission

What is Busan South Korea Mission?


I don't know but it is a heavy metal fan.

What is a wind turbine's favorite music?


When replacing the light switch covers, Papa forgot to remind Dad to do this step which led to him getting shocked multiple times. (Papa)

What is turning off the circuit breaker?


After Dad bet the kids $1 to drink a medicine cup full of this substance, the kids were so focused on getting the taste out of their mouths that they never redeemed their prize.

What is Tabasco sauce?


The date Mom and Dad were in engaged.

What is February 14, 1977?


This color and brand was the first car Dad drove before his mission.

What is a blue Honda?


I don't know him but his face sure rings a bell.

There once was a guy with no arms who was looking for a job in a newspaper, but because he didn't have any arms he turned the paper like this {show turning paper with no arms}. He finally found a job ringing the bell for the local church. All he would have to do was walk up ten flights of stairs because there were no elevators at the time and ring the bell every hour from 6AM to 6PM. He walked to the church and knocked on the door with his head {show hitting head on door}. The priest opened the door and the man asked about the job. The priest said he could have the job if he proved he could ring the bell, so the man ran up ten flights of stairs because there were no elevators at the time and ran face first into the bell to get it to ring. The priest gave him the job and told him to ring the bell every hour from 6AM to 6PM. Everyday from then on the man ran up ten flights of stairs because there were no elevators at the time to ring the bell thirteen times a day. Three months went by of him running up ten flights of stairs because there were no elevators at the time to ring the bell and running down ten flights of stairs to go home. After three months this man was tired because there were no elevators and he had to run up and down ten flights of stairs thirteen times a day. So three months after he got the job he was tired and beat up a little and he was going up the ten flights of stairs because there were no elevators at the time to ring the bell again. However, because he had been doing this for three months, running up and down ten flights of stairs because there were no elevators at the time, he was disoriented and ran straight past the bell through the window. He fell down and a crowd gathered around his body. Someone asked, "who is this guy?"


Dad's film debut filmed by Uncle Curt. (Uncle Curt)

What is Mosquito Coast?


Dad and Gunner caught a baseball when they saw the D-Backs play this team.

Who are the Pirates?