What is the main ingredient in guacamole
what is avacado
what do bees collect?
nectar (if you said honey your point goes to another team)
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
What is Mount everest
what has to be broken before you can use it?
what is an egg
pill lee yawn hair
what is billionaire
what popular icecream flavor is typically made with crushed cookies?
cookies and cream
which animal is known as the king of the jungle
What is a lion
A: Djibouti B: Congo C: Maldives d: Bahamas
I fly without wings and cry without Eyes what am i?
What is a cloud
toom any cooks
too many cooks
what is the main ingredient in sushi?
what is rice
How many dots appear on a dice
What is 21
what is the capital city of afghanistan
i am an odd number. Take away a letter and i become even.
what am i?
goo keys an arr ream
cookies and cream
What is the main ingredient in chocolate
what is Cacao
what do bees produce
what is honey
What is the longest river in africa?
a: The nile river B: The amazon river
c:Yangzte D: Missisippi river
The nile river
Theres only one word in the dictionary spelled wrong what is it?
go cog goal law
coco cola
what is the most stolen grocery item?
what is cheese
who painted the mona lisa
Leonardo da vinci
Which countrys capital city is baghdad
A: iran B: irak
I have a head and a tail but no body what am i
What is a coin
bat heir gut
bad haircut