What is Cancer Related Fatigue?
a persistent, overwhelming tiredness that is not related to 'normal' fatigue of feeling tired after a busy day.
What is a the strategy called when you take brisk walks, stretching/light weight training, water aerobics, yoga, and indoor stationary cycling.
What is the 'P' called for breaking down activities up into smaller tasks and spread them throughout the day?
What is one way you can conserve energy while showering?
Allow plenty of time and take rests.
Sit in the shower if possible.
Rest in a dressing gown or large towel rather than drying.
True or False: More than 80% of people with cancer experience fatigue.
What are the symptoms of Cancer Related Fatigue?
Many patients feel tired/worn out, weak or weary, exhausted, and heavy/slow paced
What is the strategy called when you eating the right number of calories, including protein in your diet, drinking plenty of fluids, eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and meeting with a dietician.
Eating Sensibly or Nutrition
What is the 'P' called when create a structured plan to spread activities out and keep items you need together and in easy reach?
What is one way you can conserve energy while dressing?
Collect all your clothes before you start
Break up tiring tasks with easy ones and take breaks
Dress your lower half first when you have the most energy
Should you take long hot showers in the morning?
No - taking long hot showers can drain your energy
Try to avoid temperatures that are very hot or very cold.
What causes Cancer Related Fatigue?
Cancer Treatment (chemo, radiation, survey, SCT, immunotherapy), anemia, nutrition, sleep disorders/inactivity, mood/depression, mental fatigue, pain, medicines
What is the strategy called when you create a bedtime routine to help cope with being e less active during the day and wake up often at night
Sleep Hygiene or Sleep Routine
What is the 'P' called when you are kind to yourself and don’t try to do everything, create a balance of activities you need and want to do, and delegate or drop tasks if you can?
What is one way you can conserve energy while cooking?
Sit regularly for short periods whilst preparing or stirring food.
Get everything you need ready before you start
Cook simple meals without too much preparation or cooking time.
How can Internal Medicine Center help with Fatigue?
Music Therapy
Cue to Ingrid
What is the MD Anderson Fatigue Clinic?
MD Anderson’s Fatigue Clinic assesses, manages and treats cancer-related fatigue.
Helping with Fatigue Assessment Form and meeting with the Fatigue Clinic Team
What is the strategy called when you perform relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, talk to family or friends, and take part in hobbies.
Stress management
What is one way you can conserve energy while doing laundry?
Spread the tasks throughout the day. Load the machine in the morning, empty it in the afternoon
Use a laundry basket on wheels
Do several smaller loads each week, rather than one large wash
What equipment can you get to help you to perform some activities?
grab bars, tub bench, shower chair, reacher, lift chair, long handled sponge, etc.