Who is your favorite character from Scooby Doo?
What does a skeleton drop?
Bones or Arrows
Name your favorite cat or mouse!
What species is Jabba?
What do bees make?
What color sweater does Velma wear?
What does a slimeblock do?
Bounces You
Finish this line from the popular nursery rhyme:
"Hickory, dickory, dock.
The _________ ran up the clock."
Who is Luke and Leia’s father?
Darth Vader
What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
What is Fred's last name?
Which was the first enemy introduced in Minecraft?
What color cat is said to be bad luck, especially around Halloween time?
Black Cat
Who famously said, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for”?
Name Batman's crime-fighting partner
Finish this line from the theme song:
“You know we got a mystery to solve, so Scooby Doo be ready for your act – don’t hold back! And Scooby Doo if you come through you’re gonna have yourself a _________ ________. That’s a fact!
Scooby Snack
Which 2 materials are used to make a bed?
Wooden Planks and Wool
What is Kylo Ren’s real name?
Ben Solo
With their tongue
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What 2 colors are Scooby's collar?
Blue and Yellow
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: When you create a portal out of obsidian, where does it take you?
The Nether
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: According to popular belief, cats always land on their _______ .
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Which character said, “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope”?
Princess Leia
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Mr. Potato Head