What does Fawad like the most about Dubai?
the food
What car is Fawads Favourite?
Mercedes S class
Who is Fawads best friend?
Which celebrity would Fawad like to meet?
Aishwarya rai
What does the name Fawad mean?
What is a must to visit when in London?
What brand is Fawads favourite parfume?
georgio armani
Which bollywood hero did Fawad like the most in his childhood?
Saif ali khan
What is Fawads shoe size?
which ice creaam is Fawads favourite?
If Fawad would move to another country, which would it be?
What is Fawads favourite dish?
bhindi gosht
Which teacher was Fawads favourite teacher?
no one
What instrument did Fawad play on, in his young days?
If Fawad went to Starbucks, what would he order?
hot chocolate
How many different countries have fawad been to?
Uk, Sweden, Norway, germany, holland, france, italy, dubai, pakistan, australia, polen, litauen..12!
which animal does Fawad dislike the most?
If Fawad could choose, would he be a famous musician or a famous actor?
famous musician
If Fawad won the nobleprice, which would it be? (according to his wife)
lappeløsninger (patch solutions)
what time did Fawad sleep last night?
where is Fawads "dream"destination to visit?
If Fawad ever would have a pet, what will it be?
a chicken
who is in the top in Fawads call log?
what 3 things would Fawad bring with him on an island?
iphone, computer, faxe kondi ramme
If Fawad could buy anything in this world, what would it be?
His very own island