Finish the lyrics!!
Finish the lyric! I ain’t never been the_baby do no wrong.
A) she want a BBL I’m not paying for a BBL!
B) she wants the BBL and I’m not paying for it!
which one is it?
Bro hold on _me talk…
A) Gyatt alpha rizzler
B) geeaaat alpha guardian!
which is really skibidi Rizz?
If the world was_I would be right next to you…
Keep up I’m too__,im too __, got my foot up on that pedal and I’m gone….
fast,I’m too fast
I’m feeling _ I wish I had…
which version is the best?
A)yo bunny(swerve on a dip)
B) Pop like this pt.2
A or B
I wonder if ______that our dreams….
You know