Place Value Review
Ordering Numbers to 100
Ordinal Numbers Greater Than, Less Than or Equal

What is the place value of the digit 7 in the number 5,742?

 The place value of the digit 7 in the number 5,742 is 700, as it is in the hundreds place.


What is the correct order of the following numbers: 5, 12, 1, 99, 45?

The correct order from smallest to largest is: 1, 5, 12, 45, 99.


Is the ordinal number 5 greater than, less than, or equal to the ordinal number 3?

The ordinal number 5 (fifth) is greater than the ordinal number 3 (third). Therefore, 5>3.


How do you express the number 3.56 in words?

The number 3.56 can be expressed in words as three and fifty-six hundredths. This reflects the place values of the digits after the decimal point 


If you have the numbers 23, 7, 56, and 34, what is the sequence when ordered numerically?

When ordered numerically, the sequence is: 7, 23, 34, 56.


Compare the ordinal numbers 2 and 2.

The ordinal number 2 (second) is equal to the ordinal number 2 (second). Thus, 2=2.


In the number 45,678, what is the value of the digit 6?

In the number 45,678, the value of the digit 6 is 60, as it is in the tens place.


How would you arrange the numbers 100, 2, 50, and 10 in ascending order?

The ascending order of these numbers is: 2, 10, 50, 100.


Is the ordinal number 1 less than the ordinal number 4?

Yes, the ordinal number 1 (first) is less than the ordinal number 4 (fourth). Therefore, 1<4.


If you have the number 0.0045, what is the place value of the digit 4?

in the number 0.0045, the place value of the digit 4 is four hundredths, as it is in the hundredths place.


What is the result of ordering the following set of numbers: 15, 3, 30, 25, 1?

The ordered result is: 1, 3, 15, 25, 30.


 How do the ordinal numbers 6 and 7 compare?

The ordinal number 6 (sixth) is less than the ordinal number 7 (seventh). Hence, 6<7.


What is the difference between place and value in the context of the number 1,234?

n the number 1,234, the place refers to the position of each digit (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones), while the value refers to the actual worth of each digit based on its place. For example, the digit 2 is in the hundreds place, so its value is 200.


Given the numbers 8, 19, 2, 100, and 45, what is their order from smallest to largest?

The order from smallest to largest is: 2, 8, 19, 45, 100.


Are the ordinal numbers 8 and 8 equal?

Yes, the ordinal number 8 (eighth) is equal to the ordinal number 8 (eighth). Thus, 8=8.