What is our area's FCA called?
Where did the first ancient Olympic games take place?
What 4 books of the New Testament are called "The Gospels?"
Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
What is the only sport to be played on the moon?
How many staff does West KY FCA have?
What Olympic sport was added and removed in 2024 in which the athlete "Ray Gun" went viral for her performance.
Breaking or Break Dancing
How many books are in the Bible?
During which inning is "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" traditionally sung?
What country does Kentucky FCA partner with for mission work?
What American city will the 2028 Summer Olympics be held?
Los Angeles, California
What Psalm begins with, "The Lord is my shepherd . . . "
Psalm 23
What do you call it when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?
A Turkey
What year did FCA begin? A: 1854, B. 1954, C. 2014, D. 2004
What do the 5 colors on the olympic rings represent (blue, yellow, black, green, & red)
Each participating country's flag is represented
What did God create on the 5th day of creation?
Birds of the sky and sea creatures
What’s the diameter of a basketball hoop in inches?
18 inches