What's Mr. Voight's first name?
What does NLT stand for?
New Living Translation
What NFL teams are going to the Super Bowl?
Chiefs and Eagles
How many pony centers are there?
Where was Jesus born and what was He born in?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem and He was born in a manger.
What Are The 4 Gospel Symbols
Heart, Division, Cross, Question Mark
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Philippians 4:13
What US sprinter won gold in the 100 meter dash in the 2024 olympics?
Noah Lyles
What year was SAHS's first graduating class?
The first graduating class of Stillwater High School was in 1876.
Who parted the Red Sea?
What Do The 4 Gospel Symbols Stand For?
Heart: God loves us
Division: Sin divides us
Cross: Jesus rescues us
Question Mark: What are you going to do now
How many disciples did Jesus have?
What NBA team won the most championships?
Boston Celtics
How many years has Mr. Bach been principal at SAHS?
11 years
What mountain was Moses on when he received the ten commandments?
Mount Sinai
When Was FCA Founded?
Who betrayed Jesus?
Who was the first NFL team to go 0-16?
How many water fountains are in the high school?
Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to be crucified.
Name All 7 Of The FCA Leaders
Natalie, Ava, Cam, Izzy, Jacob, Aurora, Jenna
How many people did Jesus fill with the 5 loaves and 2 fish?
Who holds the MLB record for the most home runs in one season?
Barry Bonds
Which sport at Stillwater Area High School has won the most state championships?
Boys Hockey
How did Jesus heal the blind man in the Gospel of John, chapter 9?
Jesus made mud with His saliva, applied it to the man’s eyes, and told him to wash in the Pool of Siloam.