Context Clues
Literary Devices
"Grab Bag"
Text Organizations
The patient was relieved to hear that her ___________ was not serious. What word best completes the sentence? A. lapse B. queue C. malady D. test
What is malady?
The morning wind arose And called across the world for day. What literary device is exemplified?
What is personification?
However, despite the beliefs of these 17-21 million people, there is no evidence that accidents are more likely to happen on Friday the 13th. On the contrary, some studies have shown there are actually fewer accidents on Friday the 13th. A recent report completed by a Dutch insurance company showed that there were fewer incidents of fires and theft on Fridays that fell on the 13th than on any other Fridays in the same year. It is highly probable that this reduction in accidents owes itself to the fear of Friday the 13th itself. If people are more cautious on Friday the 13th, then there are likely to be fewer accidents. Which of the following pieces of evidence, if true, would best support the author’s argument in paragraph 1? A. In ancient Egypt, the number 13 was actually considered lucky by the pharaohs. B. Major airlines report that there is no significant drop in the number of passengers who fly on Friday the 13th. C. Studies performed in the United Kingdom reveal that significantly fewer people choose to drive their cars to work on Friday the 13th. D. More traffic accidents occur on Fridays than on any other day of the week. E. 50% fewer marriages occur on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays occurring in the same year.
What is (E)50% fewer marriages occur on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays occurring in the same year.
Yet another defense mechanism possessed by some octopi is the ability to perform an autotomy, or self-amputation, of one of their limbs and regrow it later. Many species of skink and lizard also possess this ability, which allows them to shed their tails when caught by a predator and therefore get away. When a predator catches a tentacle the octopus can amputate this tentacle, thereby unfettering itself, and regrow the tentacle later. Some octopi, however, are even cleverer. When threatened by a predator, these octopi will shed a tentacle before being attacked in the hope that the predator will go after the detached tentacle rather than the octopus itself. As used in paragraph 4, which of the following is the best synonym for unfettering? A. freeing B. regrowing C. amputating D. sacrificing
What is (A) freeing?
Skiing vs. Snowboarding Unlike the sport of skiing, snowboarding does not involve the use of poles. In skiing, the skier’s feet are strapped to separate skis, and he or she can change direction using the poles. In snowboarding, on the other hand, the feet are strapped to a single board of fiberglass or wood. The snowboarder must steer by leaning in the direction he or she wants to go, as a skateboarder does. Whereas most skiers compete by racing against each other on different courses, most snowboarders compete with freestyle tricks or great feats of acrobatics. How is this passage organized? A. sequence B. cause and effect C. compare and contrast D. question and answer
What is compare and contrast?
After awakening from hibernation, a bear is ____________for food. What word best completes the sentence? A. steadfast B. bilateral C. ravenous D. loquacious
What is ravenous?
A mere frown from her would kill me. What literary device is exemplified?
What is hyperbole?
One hardly needs to appeal to statistics to show that helmets protect motorcyclists against injury or death. For those who are skeptical, however, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) calculates that in an accident helmets reduce the likelihood of fatal injury by 29%. After California passed its helmet law in 1992, that state saw motorcycle-related fatalities decrease by 37% in a single year. These statistics are impossible to ignore. If motorcyclists wish to protect themselves against injury and death, they should wear a helmet whenever they ride. As used in paragraph 2, which is the best antonym for skeptical? A. doubtful B. trustworthy C. sympathetic D. gullible E. perceptive
What is (D) Gullible
The seeming acceptance of active forms of euthanasia is alarming, but we face a bigger, more insidious threat from passive forms of euthanasia. Every year, in hospitals and nursing homes around the country, there are growing numbers of documented deaths caused by caregivers withholding life-sustaining care, including food and water, from vulnerable patients who cannot speak for themselves. As used in paragraph 3, what is the best synonym for insidious? A. mischievous B. treacherous C. seductive D. apparent E. cumulative
What is (B) treacherous?
Droughts occur when there is not enough water to meet people’s basic needs. Since water is such an essential part of life, droughts trigger a chain reaction of disasters. Without water, farmers have trouble producing crops and feeding livestock. A decrease in crop production and livestock occurs, and this leads to famine. Without moisture to hold down the soil, wind can easily pick up mounds of dirt and sand. An increase in dust storms occurs, and this leads to increased respiratory problems for humans. Wildfires are also common in times of drought. They destroy precious vegetation and animal habitats. How is this passage organized? A. problem and solution B. chronological order C. cause and effect D. description
What is cause and effect?
It was a __________ in judgment to listen in to the phone call, but he desperately wanted to hear what was said. What word best completes the sentence? A. lapse B. juncture C. candor D. desire
What is lapse?
Beautiful woman is she, A woman whose autumn of life is here. What literary device is exemplified?
What is metaphor?
Support for the claim that Xandersol entered the city water system at the GPPF is widespread. According to a recent poll, an overwhelming majority of local residents—nearly 80%—believe this to be the case. Marcia Downing, a mother of three, advocates that the GPPF is to blame. "It seems pretty obvious that the leak happened at the GPPF," she says. "Just ask around. Nearly everyone on the block will tell you so. I mean, I don't understand what the big mystery is. If everyone says it's true, then it's probably true. Strength in numbers," she says. "That's what my mom used to say." As a result of the disaster, Marcia has had to take off work to care for her children, whom she believes have been adversely affected by the contaminated water. "I've taken off three days since the disaster. And those are unpaid days. I don't have the luxury of paid sick days like some people." She shakes her head. "You know things are bad when you can't even drink the water." Based on its use in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that advocate belongs to which of the following word families? A. acknowledge, concede, recognize B. adjudicate, determine, select C. propose, suggest, recommend D. champion, bolster, support E. admit, concede, grant
What is (D) champion, bolster, support
Read this sentence below from a user manual: To obtain Week View mode when in Month View mode, simply highlight any day in the desired week and choose Week at the bottom left of the display. In which sentence does mode have the same meaning as in the sentence above? F.She reacted to the change in the mode of the teacher’s voice. G.The instructor asked the students to find the mode of a set of numbers. H.She switched the computer’s application from keyboard to voice mode. I.The subway is her favorite mode of transportation when she visits the city.
What is (H) She switched the computer's application from keyboard to voice mode.
Gary woke up late on Monday, the first day of summer. He had a busy day ahead. He threw on a pair of old shorts and a dirty T-shirt sporting the logo of his favorite BMX team. After running his hands through his hair to give himself that “just out of bed” look that all the teenage girls went crazy over, he ran downstairs and ate breakfast. Had a nutritious breakfast of left-over pizza and a can of soda, which Gary's mother thought was absolutely horrible, then he hopped into the garage and jumped on his bike. He rode down the street and over to his friend Kevin’s house.Kevin’s mother answered it and told Gary that Kevin had several chores to do around the house before he could come out to play. How does the author organize this passage? A. problem and solution B. spatial C. question and answer D. sequence
What is sequence?
The secretary was a __________in the office; he had worked in that position for thirty years. What word best completes the sentence? A. fraud B. havoc C. deity D. fixture
What is fixture?
What literary device makes a reference to well-known person, place, event or literary work?
What is Allusion?
As a result of this decline in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, shoppers have seen adjustments—sometimes quite dramatic—in prices at the grocery store. Prices of apples in Maryland are up 8%. In the north-Atlantic states, prices for peppers shot up an astounding 14%. Not only are these items becoming more expensive, but they are also getting harder to find. Last week, Marge Jenkins of Athens, Georgia reported having to check three different stores before stumbling upon a decent batch of peas. And this, she assures us, is a regular occurrence. Based on the information in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that an increase in supply results in A. a decrease in price B. an increase in demand C. low availability D. reduced importance E. higher values
What is (A) A decrease in price
The piranha is a much-maligned fish. Most people think that this is a deadly creature that swarms through rivers and creeks of the Amazon rainforest looking for victims to tear apart. And woe betide anyone unlucky enough to be in the same water as a shoal of piranhas. It takes only a few minutes for the vicious piranhas to reduce someone to a mere skeleton. In paragraph 1, the author uses hyperbole—characterized by the use of exaggeration for effect—to describe the piranha. The author most likely uses hyperbole to A. frame an argument that might be supported in a later paragraph B. create ambiguity so the reader cannot be sure which position the writer supports C. juxtapose the myth of the piranha with the truth about the fish D. evoke vivid images of nature television shows in the reader’s mind
What is (C) juxtapose the myth of the piranha with the truth about the fish?
Recycling and Waste Have you looked in your garbage? Did you know you throw away many things that can be saved? You can help cut down garbage and help the environment. With more people doing simple things, we could lower landfills. If we reused glass, we could lower landfills by almost 10%. We can’t throw things away anymore. It must be managed. It may not affect us for a good twenty years, but it will affect our children and our children's children. Today, more and more people like companies who invest in "green products". These companies take out phosphates, bleaches, and have made their paper out of recycled papers. At home, families, are saving things, like leftovers, and making sandwiches for the next day. Some card companies even make Christmas cards out of recycled paper. They do this because it takes 20 trees to make a ton of cards. Small businesses are doing Christmas tree pickups. They use the trees again. This helps to stop erosion in stream beds. Some use the trees as fertilizer. People are starting to understand. We are beginning to deal with it. We can make the world a cleaner place for future generations. How is this passage organized? A. cause and effect B. sequence C. problem and solution D. compare and contrast
What is problem and solution?
The man's date was offended by his __________ in saying she was not beautiful. What word best completes the sentence? A. ambiguity B. prudence C. candor D. tenacity
What is candor?
I am your son, mama, a sorrowful man, seeking the security of solitude.
What is alliteration?
Even if female veterans are eligible for these benefits, the quality of the care a wartime PTSD sufferer receives can vary widely. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) pays disability benefits to service men and women who have been diagnosed with PTSD and also provides these individuals with free health care. But while mental health counseling that comes directly from VA doctors is completely free to veterans, there are often long waiting lists for those who need to be evaluated or treated. Therapy provided by non-VA professionals may not be covered by health insurance. Access to © Copyright Read Theory LLC, 2012. All rights reserved. 2 mental health professionals who have been specially trained to treat wartime PTSD is often difficult for those not living near major urban centers. Which of the following pieces of evidence, if true, would best strengthen the author’s argument in paragraph 5? A. Since 2001, when operations in Iraq and Afghanistan began, more than 230,000 women have served in the United States Military. B. Studies have shown that those who receive therapy for PTSD are less likely to commit suicide and develop substance abuse problems. C. Women are 50% more likely to experience sexual assault while deployed than men. D. Although experts now argue that intensive cognitive therapy is more effective at treating wartime PTSD than prescription drugs, most mental health professionals are trained only to offer pharmaceutical solutions for PTSD. E. In addition to causing obvious mental and social health problems for those who suffer from the disorder, PTSD can also cost society up to $6.2 billion in the form of lost labor productivity and welfare expenses.
What is (D) Although experts now argue that intensive cognitive therapy is more effective at treating wartime PTSD than prescription drugs...?
Which of the following statements from paragraph 5 represents an opinion, as opposed to a fact? A. “Factory farming uses more land than any other agricultural or industrial enterprise in the country.” B. “It has been estimated that the grain used to feed livestock in the United States alone could feed up to 800 million people in one year.” C. “Producing equivalent amounts of protein from chicken meat and soybeans does not require equivalent amounts of energy.” D. “Chicken meat production consumes 14 times more energy than soybean production.” E. “Grain and energy supplies should be used more efficiently to produce food sources other than livestock.”
What is (E) "Grain and energy supplies should be used more efficiently to produce food sources other than livestock."
Jaguars are big cats. They are related to lions, tigers, and leopards. Some people confuse leopards and jaguars. You might ask, "How can you confuse these animals?" Simple: some jaguars are spotted and look similar to leopards. Jaguars are very different animals though. So what do most jaguars look like? Jaguars look a lot like leopards, but they act a lot like tigers. Some jaguars look completely black, but they have spots if you look closely. Jaguars that are all black are often called panthers, but they are actually jaguars. People often ask, "Where do jaguars live?" Jaguars live in rain forests and open land in South and Central America. They used to live as far north as the southwestern U.S., and many are starting to move back into northern Mexico. How is this passage organized? A. question and answer B. cause and effect C. sequence D. compare and contrast
What is question and answer?