Name one quality or characteristic that is important for a good friend to have.
Answers vary. Respect, honesty, kindness, trustworthiness, etc. Also, ask yourself if you are being a good friend and demonstrating those qualities yourself?
What is a goal?
something a person plans to do, be, or obtain
What are the two main TYPES of communication?
Verbal and non-verbal
Income is the coming coming IN each month. It is how much you make/earn (after taxes and other deductions have been taken out).
What is self-esteem?
How you feel about yourself (could be high or low, positive or negative)
Name one thing you could do to help someone who is being bullied.
Answers vary. Stop the bullying, tell an adult, befriend the victim, etc.
What are the two TYPES of goals?
Short term and long term
Over 50% of our communication is actually ____________.
What is the definition of a consumer?
A consumer is someone who spends money on goods or services. Each of us is a consumer!
Name ONE key element to wellness.
Choose nutritious food
Stay physically active
Get plenty of sleep
Learn to handle stress
Avoid harmful substances
What is the definition of a bystander?
Someone who "stands by" and watches a bullying situation happen. They do not contibute to the bullying, but they also do nothing to help or to stop it.
What's the difference between motivation and discipline?
Motivation is when you do something because you feel like it. Discipline is when you do it because you know it needs done (whether you feel like doing it or not)
Name one form of non-verbal communication.
Head nod, eye contact, facial expressions, posture, hand gestures, body language, etc.
Name one thing that can influence how you spend your money.
Answers vary. Peers, advertising, mass media, social media, etc.
Name one POSITIVE way to handle stress.
Answers vary. Meditaion, deep breaths, going for a walk, taking a hot bath, playing with your dog, going for a run, reading a book, drawing, etc.
What is the definition of peer pressure?
The influence your peers have on you. Pressure from peers to do something (you may not even want to do)
Name one thing you should do AFTER you achieve a goal you had set for yourself.
Answers vary. Take time to acknowledge your achievement, pat yourself on the back, reflect on your experiences, set new goals.
List ONE of the four main communication STYLES.
Assertive, passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive
What percentage of your income should be put toward savings?
Name ONE way to resolve conflict in a positive, constructive manner.
Answers vary. Be an active listener, empathize, find a mediator, use i-messages, etc.
What TYPE of bullying is it when you writing someone negative about someone on a social network (ie: Instagram or Facebook)?
Cyber bullying
Goals should always be SMART! What does SMART stand for?
What is an "i-message?"
a style of communication that focuses on the feelings or beliefs of the speaker rather than the listener/person being spoken to
Eliminates placing blame on the other person
Communicates thoughts and feelings in a more constructive way (reduces feelings of blame, anger, etc.)
Instead of saying, “You made me angry because you forgot to pick me up.”
Try saying, “I feel angry when I’m expecting a ride home and am forgotten.”
What are the FOUR steps of writing a budget?
1. List your income.
2. List your expenses.
3. Compare your income and expenses.
4. Make any necessary spending adjustments.
List one challenge to saving money and one way to overcome that challenge.
Answers vary.