The Depression
New Deal Programs
The Critics
People would withdraw all their money from a bank and carry it out in paper bags or suitcases
What is a bank run
Abandoning a balanced budget, spending beyond means, borrowing money
What is deficit spending
Describe FDR's personality
What is charismatic, optimistic, competitive, charming
This program hired young men to work for the forestry department planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corp. (CCC)
This political party did not believe FDR had gone far enough with his New Deal and needed to redistribute the wealth from the rich down
What is the Democratic Party
Those seeking a job but unable to find one are considered for this, retired citizens and citizens too young for jobs or disabled and thus not seeking a job are not.
What is unemployment
The never-ending cycle, a domino effect, the circle of life...for money.
What is a cyclical cycle
FDR was stricken with this paralyzing disease
What is polio
This program bought citizens' mortgages so that they could keep their homes and have a longer repayment period with lower interest rates
What is the Home Owner's Loan Corporation (HOLC)
Francis Townsend was a critic that suggested people over 60 years old retire and receive a monthly allowance from the government, the early roots of FDR's later program
What is Social Security
These were started first by states and later used by FDR in which banks temporarily closed to prevent bank runs
What are bank holidays
Governments should spend in a recession to jump-start the economy
What is Keynesian Economics
FDR's wife and First Lady
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt
This program involved the government paying farmers NOT to grow certain crops and NOT to raise certain livestock in order to reduce the farm surplus and drive of the price of agricultural goods
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
This Detroit Catholic priest suggested inflating the currency and nationalizing the banking system
Who is Father Coughlin
Some believed the Depression was caused by this, people spending beyond their means, borrowing credit, and not being able to pay back all the money with interest
What is Debt
Government programs in place to prevent economic disasters
What is safety net
FDR's campaign and presidential plan of action was nicknamed this, which contained programs and legislation to help bring US out of the Great Depression
What is the New Deal
This piece of legislation separated investment and commercial banking, and created the FDIC to insure depositors' account up to a certain amount
What is Glass-Steagall Banking Act
This plan of FDR's was in response to the Supreme Court striking down some key programs in his New Deal and giving rule or law-making powers back to the legislative branch
What is the Court-Packing Plan
Government issued currency is backed by specie or a type of metal
What is the gold standard
Draw a Circular-Flow Diagram on the board
What is households, firms, market for goods and services, market for factors of production, wages, expenditure
The divided cabinet and administration FDR brought with him to the White House was nicknamed this...
What is the Brain Trust
This program set up fair rules of competition, protected workers' rights, and put restrictions of prices; it also created a "police-system" that used a Blue Eagle as its symbol
What is the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)...and the NRA
Name 3 of the legacies of the New Deal or why we learn about the New Deal in American History
What is 1) People have come to expect the government to bail them out in crisis, even at a hefty price 2) People assume the president can control the economy; the the president attempt to control the economy 3) People expect the government to take action during economic crisis 4) People expect the government to mediate the interests of all it's citizens, businesses, and workers