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Teacher leaves student to go make copies in the office.

S. 1 Professional conduct


Teacher uses her EEF funds to pay her electric bill.

S7 Public Funds & Property


Coach Vincent gives his seniors a dip of Skoal if they ask him for it since he knows they dip already.

S4 Teacher/Student Relationships


Mrs. Thompson offers the girls in her class extra credit opportunities but refuses to do the same for the boys.

S1 Professional Conduct

Being completely unnerved on the 3rd grade field trip, Mrs. Spencer goes into the bathroom and lights up a cigarette

S6 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use/Possession


Teacher tells a student she is not surprised he is failing in front of the other students

S4 Teacher/Student Relationships


Mrs. Lawson, a 2nd year kindergarten teacher, got caught writing bad checks, but since it was her first offense, the judge let her off with a warning

S3 Unlawful Acts


Mr. Jones  started tutoring Lost Lucy after school so she could pass his class and he could make a little money. 

S8 Remunerative Conduct


Coach Jim gave his players some help picking the right answers on his history test because he wanted them to be able to compete in the championship.

S2. Trustworthiness

Mrs. Johnson couldn't believe it when the parent of one of her most difficult students sent a card with a $100 bill in it.  It made her start to rethink the write-up she gave him.

S8 Remunerative Conduct


Mrs. Roberts goes to teaching workshops every summer so that she can keep her skills current.

S1 Professional Conduct


Principal John's sister-in-law just got a job as the new school secretary.  He wants her comfy so he buys her a new office chair with his office funds.

S5 Colleague Relationships


Mr. Martin, the school's test coordinator, lost some of the student's answer sheets from the State Math Test. Uh Oh.

S1 Professional Conduct


Mr. Smart teaches seniors.  One of his favorite seniors just turned 18 and he is thinking about asking her out on a dinner date; after all, he is only 23.

S4 Teacher/Student Relationships


Miss Bippy, a first year English I teacher loves her students, so she didn't think twice when she started following them on Insta!

S4 Teacher/ Student Relationships


Mrs. James got upset when Mr. Hopson refused to watch her class, so she lied on social media, saying he drinks on the job.

S5 Collegial Relationships


Mrs. Nathan, a 7th grade English teacher, won a free cruise so she called in sick because she was out of vacation days.

S2 Trustworthiness


Mrs. Johnson, the biology teacher, tells stories about her student Rowdy Rob to her ladies in the Bunko Group.

S9 Confidentiality

Coach Sam never gives receipts to his players when they pay for their uniforms because he says it's too much work.
S7 Public Funds & Property

The librarian slapped the art teacher because she didn't like her hair color.

S1 Professional Conduct

S5 Collegial Relationships


Mrs. Hobson calls her student's parents and sends school post cards every week to keep them informed about their students' progress.

S1 Professional Conduct


Mr. Wells refused to cover classes of teachers that were absent.

S10 Breach of Contract


Mrs. Lloyd, a 3rd grade teacher was sick of Wild Willie's behavior in her room so she made him jog in place for the entire recess.

S1 Professional Conduct


Coach Hobson got an incredible offer to coach at his almer mater, but he turned in his signed contract last week.

S10 Breech of Contract 


Mr. Squarepants is writing a memoir about his life, so he decided to use his school paper allotment to print off his manuscript.

S7 Public Funds & Property