how many commandments are there
what is 10
Sacrament when your a baby
How do you start the rosary?
What is the Sign of the cross
What is origin of sin
Sin we are born with because of adam & eve
What is the first commandment
What is "you shall not have no other God"
Sacrament you guys are working on
What is Confirmation
1/3 of the trinity
What is the father
What prayer do you say when you start with larger beads.
What is our father
How do you cleanse your sins
What is confession
What is the 5th commandment
What is Reconciliation
2/3 of the trinity
What is The son
What prayer is said with smaller beads
What is a type of sin
What is Mortal Sin
Who presented us the commandments
Who is moses
A sacrament your parents hopefully have
3/3 of the trinity
What is the holy spirit
How many decades are in the rosary
What is 5 decades
What is the other type of sin
What is Venial Sin
Where was the commandments given
Mount Sinai
Sacrament of service to the church
What is holy orders
Name one of the mysteries of the rosary
What is Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious
Who forgives sins?