Fear is one of the most basic human____________
Name a physical response to fear.
rapid breathing
increased heart rate
increased blood pressure
sensations in the stomach, legs, chest, head, etc
activate means
to cause something to start working
A phobia is an _________fear.
What part of the brain is responsible for remembering scary experiences?
Fear is a part of what system?
Name a healthy fear
fear of water if you can't swim
trigger means
cause something to begin
Having a phobia can _________with normal life.
Phobias are caused by___________ or _________
a scary experience or genes (personality traits)
True or False? Fear can be brief or last for a long time.
Fear of flying-healthy or unneccesary?
immaturity means
not fully grown or developed
How might a person with a phobia feel?
exhausted, upset, embarrassed
People can gradually overcome phobias with the right support. What does gradually mean?
over time, little by little, slowly
When the body prepares itself to stay and face danger or run away it is called.....
Fight or Flight
Certain fears are _______during childhood.
An amygdala is
a tiny brain structure responsible for keeping track of emotional experiences
With a phobia, the fear is______________to the danger.
out of proportion
Make a list of fears (least to worst)
Try the things on the list, gradually
Fear can be__________by a loud noise or something unexpected.
Most kids will _________their childhood fears as they get older.
turbulence means
Someone who is afraid to answer questions in class, give a report, or interact with students during lunch, might have what phobia?
public speaking/social phobia
A therapist might help someone overcome a phobia by teaching them__________ and___________.
relaxation practices
ways to breath
muscle relaxation
soothing self talk