Land of Orisha
Context Clues
Elements of a Story

“America is a melting pot.”

Theses two things are being compared.

Americas culture and a pot that melts things 


Revere is a word we saw in Children of Blood and Bone that means this.

Respect, fear, honor. 


This is the fishing village where Zelie, Tzain and Baba lived at the beginning of the novel. 

What is Ilorin?


After Gears of Pain 6 came out, the number of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined.

Declined means this.

Went down, got worse. 

This part of a story is AFTER the climax when things start to calm down. There's less action and the story starts to wind down. 

What is the Falling Action?


The stats hang like fruit in a tree

Theses two things are being compared

How the stars look in the sky and how fruit hangs


Ascend is a word we saw in Children of Blood and Bone that means this.

To rise, go up or glide up. 


This is the right hand of King Saran. She killed the merchant who bought the jeweled headdress from Princess Amari and has been searching for Zelie with Prince Inan.

Who is Admiral Kaea


"I wish I had brought my spectacles," the old librarian remarked as she squinted and strained to read the text.

Spectacles means


This is the hight of action in any story, piece of literature or movie.

What is the climax?


“His smile was as stiff as a frozen fish.”

Theses two things are being compared.

What is his smile and the stiffness of a frozen fish?


Obsidian is a word we saw in Children of Blood and Bone that means this.

A dark black natural glass formed by the cooling of lava


This is the Sentaro that performs the blood ritual on Zelie reconnecting her to Sky Mother. 

Who is Lekan


John was so hungry that he didn’t leave a single particle of the muffin on the plate.

Particle means this

Small part or piece. 


In the story 'The Three Little Pigs' this is the ANTAGONIST.

Who is the Big Bad WOLF


In the eastern sky there was a yellow patch like a rug laid for the feet of the coming sun

Theses two things are being compared

The light from the sun and a rug.


Transfixed  is a word we saw in Children of Blood and Bone that means this.

To memorize, or hypnotize. 

To get someone to be still from astonishment/ amazement. 


This is where the temple that the blood ritual as performed at?

Where is Chandomble?


The rays from the rising sun shined splendidly through our kitchen window.

Splendid means this

Brightly and wonderfully


In the Arch of a story, this is where the problems from the conflict are solved and the story begins to come to an end. 

What is the resolution?


Why he should have captivated Scarlett when his mind was a stranger to hers she did not know. The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key

Theses two things are being compared

Her curiosity and a door with no locks or keys


Assume is a word we saw in Children of Blood and Bone that means this.

Take for granted

To suppose or guess (without proof)

To take on 'assume the position'

To sieze 'the rebels assumed the capital'

These are some motivations for King Saran to destroy magic.

Magic will overpower him.

The Maji clans got drunk with power and subjugated others.

Magic and the Maji were responsible for killing members of his first family. 


It is hard to catch a football that has been fumbled because the oblong shape of the ball makes it difficult to predict where it will bounce.

OBLONG means this

Flat and elongated


This is the main thing that pushes a story forward

Two forces clashing. 

i.e. 3 Pigs vs. Big Bad Wolf

King Saran & Kingdom vs. Zelie & Maji 

What is a CONFLICT?