Germs and Surgery
Impact of Publich Health Act 1875
Rapid Change 1890-1910
Government Action and War 1905-20
Medical Changes 1920-1948

This German doctor and microbiologist helped advance the work of Louis Pasture

Who is Robert Koch?


Prior to the 1875 Public Health Act, the government decided to improve the sewer system. The London Metropolitan Board of Works put this man in charge of the improvments. 

Who is Joseph Bazalgette?


In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen first developed the technology to see inside the human body, which is widely used today to check for broken bones. 

What are X-rays?


What is one act that was passed by Britain's Liberal government that impacted public health?

School Medical Service, Children and Young Persons Act, the National Insurance Act, Old Age Pension Act.


Alexander Fleming is recognized for making breakthrough research in the development of this antibiotic.

What is penicillin.


This person introduced antiseptic techniques to surgery in the 1860s.

Who is Joseph Lister?


What were two effects of the Public Health Act?

Made it illegal for factories to dump waste in rivers; sewage properly treated and clean water prioritized; local authorities appointed Medical Officers responsible for public health; dirt and trash more routinely cleaned from streets.


A, B, O, and AB. The discovery of these types by Karl Landsteiner helped improve medicine and surgery by making this safer. 

What are blood transfusions? 


What were some of the new challenging injuries and diseases medical professionals had to deal with because of WWI?

Trench foot, poison/chemical gas attacks, highly damaging shrapnel, shell shock, various trench diseases


Thousands of British citizens were killed during this major event of WWII

What is the bombing of London/the Battle of Britain/the Blitz


This substance was sometimes used as an anesthestic in the late 1800s, but was abandoned because it could become addictive.

What is cocaine? 


This act, also passed in 1875, helped improve food quality and safety.

What was the Food and Drugs Act of 1875?


Although there was still some resistance, by the late 1800s and early 1900s, this idea, developed by Koch and Pasture, was more widely accepted. 

What is Germ Theory?


This person impacted WWI by establishing the first mobile radiology units and training volunteers to operate X-ray equipment.

Who is Marie Curie?


Why was there a slowdown in medical research progress during the Interwar period?

Less funding, urgency, and centralized planning from governments.


In 1881, Lister published the results of his work in using these - which were made fomr sheeps intestines and could dissolve in the bosy - as ligatures to stop blood loss. 

What was catgut?


What did the Artisan Dwelling Act of 1875 do?

It gave authorities and councils the ability to buy and clear/demolish slum dwellings and build better homes. 


In 1905, Paul Ehrlich began experimenting to see if he could find a _______ that would treat ________ without negatively affecting other cells in the body.

What are "magic bullet" and syphilis?


This section of the British army that dealt with injured soldiers asked women to work in their ranks, but did not promote them the same way as men. 

What is the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC).


Who were the other researchers that advanced Fleming's inital work? (name one)

Who are Howard Florey, Ernst Chain, and Norman Heatley


In the 1880s, Pasture made progress in developing these that helped prevent diseases. For example, his research helped prevent anthrax in animals and rabies in humans. 

What are vaccines?


This was the main different between the 1848 and 1875 Public Health Acts.

What is compulsory/required?

Marie and Pierre Curie's work focused on this field or topic which would become essential in developing X-rays and cancer treatments.

What is radiation/radioactivity? 


The development of this technique to treat broken bones greatly increased the survival rate of injured soldiers.

What is the Thomas Splint? 


This organization accepted and trained women nurses for the possibility of serving on the front lines during WWII

What was the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service (QAIMNS)