General Pool Deck Knowledge
Is This Correct?
Can This Person Really Swim?
First Aid and CPR

What are the chemical ranges for chlorine and pH?

Chlorine: 1.5-10ppm

pH: 7.2-7.8


When a guard needed to call out during sickness he texted in the groupchat then went on about his day

No, when calling out you need to call front desk and talk to the LOD, text/call Grace, and try to find coverage. That means text the groupchat AND text personal numbers/ coworkers emails


How many yards do the yellow necklace testers need to swim to pass?

15 yards


Describe what the 1 short, 1 long, 2, and 3 whistle  blows mean?

1 short- get attetion of patron

1 long- clear a pool

2- get the attention of a guard

3- to activate EAP


What does S.A.M.P.L.E stand for

Signs and symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past medical history, Last oral intake, Events leading up to the incident.


What is the maximum amount of swimmers allowed per one lane?



If lighting is present within 8 miles or less of the Ward Y we close the pools and wait to reopen until 30 min after the last strike

False, we close if lighting is within 6 miles or less since Ward is an indoor pool

Is it true or false that red necklace swimmers cannot go into the deep end of the lap pool even with an adult?



When testing the chlorine for lap pool, a guard got 36 drops for chlorine and 7 drops for combined. What is the total chlorine in that pool



If an adult victim has a pulse but isn't breathing, you need to do what?

Rescue breaths (ventilations) at a rate of 1 every 5 seconds


Where is the nearest pulse ox to the pool deck

In the yellow crash bag by the gym floor


It should take no more than 30 seconds to scan my zone.

incorrect, it should take no more than 10 seconds


A child testing for a yellow necklace wasnt able to stand with flat feet in the shallow end of the lap pool, can they continue testing for the yellow necklace? 



what should every lifeguard have on their person

  • hip pack with a pair of gloves, adult mask, pediatric mask and one way valve 

  • Whistle

  • name tag

  • Walkie


How long and how do you check for breathing?

No more than 5-10 seconds. Head tilt chin lift, ear to mouth look towards sternum.


How many days is the grace period for after your lifeguard certification expires to take a class to renew it?

30 days


What is the max depth a yellow necklace swimmer can swim in?

5 feet


A child, age 6 years old, is a green necklace and their parent is watching them from the window outisde the pool deck, is this fine? If not why?

No, because children between the ages of 0-7 years are required to have a parent in the water within arms reach at all time no matter the necklace color


If an infant is choking, where should their head be positioned

Lower than the chest, mouth facing the floor


At what number of members should you start double guarding at each pool and what are the total capacities for each pool?

Family: 20 for double gaurding and 39 for total

Lap: 25 for double and 68 for total


After 5 cycles of single rescuer CPR what should you do?

Check Responsiveness, breathing and a pulse aka (...)